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Software Test Engineer (Mechatronic Systems)

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Contenu de l'offre Software Test Engineer (Mechatronic Systems) chez SANEON GmbH

93216 La Plaine-Saint-Denis

SANE for our farsighted way of analyzing problems in order to develop practical and intelligent solutiONs. Our know-how and strong analytical skills enable our customers to realize their vision - that‘s the way what our corporate philosophy is all about: „Engine your vision“

As a high-performance and reliable development partner, our greatest passion is the challenge. We work together with well-known companies in the automotive and aerospace industries. This places the highest demands on the know-how and quality of work of our team and in future also on you. We are looking for a permanent position for our location in Paris-France or Munich-Germany:

Your tasks

Define, write and execute the software test strategy in line with requirements and specifications for platform development projects Responsible to develop and maintain test cases on all test levels (SW Unit Test, SW Integration test, MIL/SIL/HIL test, vehicle test) Participation in preparing and presenting validation and verification (V&V) reports to design team and/or customers (OEMs/car manufacturers) Design, preparation and implementation of functional and non-functional software tests including logging Close cooperation with the development team, test, quality and safety management Development and execution of the test procedures and test concepts Support for the development of test methods and test infrastructure Analysis, evaluation and improvement of test management processes based on state-of-the-art standards (e.g. ISTQB) Assure completeness and versioning of system and software documentation in accordance with ISO 26262, Automotive SPICE and other norms Participate in providing software validation, project estimations and technical risk assessment

Your profile

Engineer in Mechatronics, Mechanics, Electronics or Physics. 1 year of experience in testing or software integration Ability to analyze customer's design and safety requirements in order to identify gaps or missing information needed to perform test activities Ability to participate in definition of test strategy for a given set of requirements Experience in evaluation of executed test cases in order to confirm that the soft-ware behaviour respects the requirement documents Experience in issues reproduction and root cause analysis Knowledge in model-based development (MBD) of embedded real-time software, ASPICE/CMMi/ISO26262 is an advantage but not required Excellent problem solving and communication skills oral and written in English

We offer

We support you in your development through coaching and training measures as well as a high proportion of self-dependent activities Our flat hierarchy and open communication structures foster a comfortable working environment in which you can feel comfortable and bring about change We also offer future-oriented tasks in an international environment as well as attractive and performance-related compensation

Please send us your full application detailing your availability and salary expectations.

Job Type: Full-time

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Software Test Engineer (Mechatronic Systems)
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