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Contenu de l'offre IAM Product Owner chez Scaleway

Paris (75) IAM Product Owner

Scaleway is a fast-growing cloud company. We are headquarted in Paris with a hub in Lille. We are a bunch of talented people, working to build a better Internet. Our mission is to make infrastructure services easy again. We deeply care about supporting the growth of all our employees and making sure they feel professionally fulfilled.

10 reasons to work @ Scaleway:

Work with the best technology and the best technologists. Be a strong voice in the product development lifecycle. Work in an open source friendly environment. We have amazing working spaces, "La Maison" in the heart of Paris and Lille. Work in a fast moving environment. Contributing to high-level strategy in collaboration with our executive and product teams. Learn new things everyday. Work on products you use everyday. Extremely attractive salary and benefits package. We love what we do and love to be the best at what we do.

At Scaleway, Product Owners are managing the development cycle of a products

They ensure the product vision is successfully implemented with a product oriented engineering team.

As an IAM Product Owner you will be working on IAM features for every Scaleway products with a dedicated team.

You will need to clearly understand product requirements, understand technical and business priorities, ensure the team is successful in reaching their goals.

You will drive a deeply technical engineering team (3 engineers) and collaborate to build and launch highly successfull products.

Your mission

Animate your technical team Prepare the backlog with fully specified user stories Animate Sprint Planning, Sprint Retro and Sprint Closing Rituals Follow-up daily with engineers to ensure there is nothing blocking achievement of user stories Ensure execution is aligned with the planning provided by your VP and stakeholders Coordinate development and synchronise on dependencies with other teams Help in weighting between business priorities and technical needs to avoid technical debt Listen to your coworkers to propose organisational, technical and product improvements Organise and animate functional and technical workshops to refine the backlog with the team

Who you are and what you know

You are passionate about cloud computing, hosting, network and datacenters Technical experience with privileged identity management and IAM tools Experience with Identity Management, Identity Governance systems, Provisioning, Single Sign On, 2FA You have strong experience with Python You have strong technical knowledge, especially around infrastructure and cloud products Excellent knowledge of the Scrum paradigm, of product backlog management and ofsprint rituals You know how to create high quality product and technical specifications Excellent written and oral communication skills You can explain business and technical reasons behind your actions Self-motivated with strong organizational skills Ability to animate a team of talented engineers Good understanding of the Open source ecosystem, Linux administration and internals Experience with configuration management systems (Ansible and/or Puppet,Saltstack) You have a previous experience working on IaaS, PaaS, SaaS products, technologies and platforms Ability to work on a large production environment (10s of thousands of servers), react properly on bugs/regressions, even under pressure

What could be useful

You know how the internet works (i.e. HTTP, DNS, TLS, VXLAN, BGP, etc). Experience operating large-scale, distributed, business-critical systems. You're able to wrap your head accross several layers of abstraction without gettinglocked (like in Inception)

Your training and work experience

You are familiar with the IaaS ecosystem At least 5 years of experience working on similars products You are also familiar with IaaS, PaaS, SaaS products, technologies and platforms You have a degree in computer science or related technical field or a similar experience You are fluent in English and French, spoken and written You already worked as a product owner or technical manager

You're familiar with the same technologies we use everyday

Open-source ecosystems Python (SQLAlchemy, Flask, Celery) PostgreSQL (Master/Slave architecture, partitioning, ...) REST APIs Linux LDAP Kubernetes & Docker Ansible Git, GitLab & Jenkins

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