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Contenu de l'offre Senior Software Test Engineer chez Scality

Senior Software Test Engineer - Core technology (File-system and Storage)

Place de la Madeleine, Paris
11 rue Tronchet, 75008, FRANCE

Scality is a fast-growing cloud native company. We are headquartered in Paris and in San Francisco with subsidiaries in UK, Germany, Japan, Australia. We are a bunch of talented people, working at the center of digital transformation to solve data-scaling challenges in multicloud environment. Our mission is to give freedom and control to people who create value with data. We deeply care about supporting the growth of all our employees and making sure they feel professionally fulfilled.

9 reasons to work @ Scality:
Work with the best experts and the more advanced technologies in a lean environment.
Work in the heart of Paris with an easy access to high standard office.
A cool, learning and motivating atmosphere. An open source friendly environment.
A spacious and luminous canteen and meal offers brought on site
A relaxing room with babyfoot, table tennis, etc
A gym open to all with coaches.
A real work life balance with concrete actions and commitments (internal communication charter, Work
From Home, etc )
A specific culture, bold and disruptive, committed to quality, advocating camaraderie, customer oriented,
respectful and ethical.

Core teams
Our Scality Core teams are looking for a highly skilled Software Test Engineer to join us in France. In this role,
you will participate in the development of our file system and storage technologies based on popular open source
projects coupled with innovative in-house algorithms, you will use our container based infrastructure and CI
and contribute to our open source project Metal-K8S.

You’ll work on automation technologies like but not limited to Python, various client & server technologies, and cloud technologies including Docker, Kubernetes, OpenStack, Virtualization and others. For sure, your
development will have an impact. Software testers are key people in our organization making sure we are
reaching our high level goals related to quality, performance, stability, consistency, high availability and
ease of use.

Who you are

Able to quickly analyze, reproduce, isolate and diagnose tough problems with your strong technical and analytical skills.
You like or would love to write high quality extensible, reusable, easily maintainable, high-performance testing code. You care about ease of use and user experience.
You naturally apply development good practices: automation, version control, documentation.
You understand devil is in the details and are ready to ensure the best testing coverage, push the software to its limits, detect bugs and limitations and identify root causes.
You code, and write your documentation and tickets in English.
You are a team player and kind of “finisher”.
You're familiar with or willing to learn technologies we use on a daily basis:

Python, shell-scripting and a curiosity for new testing frameworks and tools and advantages they bring

Python, shell-scripting and a curiosity for new testing frameworks and tools and advantages they bring Linux, Open-source ecosystems. You have an extensive knowledge in Linux systems, good understanding and practice of Linux file systems Advanced networking skills. Kubernetes & Docker. HTTP and REST APIs. Git, GitHub, Bitbucket. We are using Openstack and Platform9 to manage our private testing cloud. So will get to use it if you are
not accustomed to!

You will get bonus points for having experience with these:
1. Performance testing and analysis
2. Investigating and debugging I/O and network
3. bottlenecks at various scales.
4. Operating large-scale, distributed, business-critical systems.
5. Mentoring beginner testers.
Cpf final 4

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Senior Software Test Engineer
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