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Contenu de l'offre Senior Test Engineer H/F chez schneider electric

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Senior Test Engineer H/F - 007WHJ

Functions main mission/purpose

Position is part of the Environmental Testing Laboratory team in Carros within the Digital Factory Validation Department with the main missions :
- Act as Laboratory QMS Leader and support the Manager Environmental Laboratory on Quality Management System (QMS) tasks for Laboratory scope like maintenance of QMS, planning and execution of internal and external audits.
- Conducts complex tests, participates in test means modifications and in tests analysis. Has autonomy to propose/develop solutions to extend and improve test process.

Main tasks and responsibilities
- Ensures the maintenance of the management system for the testing laboratory (creation and review of policies, procedures, processes, skills matrix, improvements, risk and opportunities analysis, etc.).
- Preparation of internal and external audits in cooperation with Manager Environmental Laboratory.
- Prepares laboratory management review.
- Supports and trains tests engineers on methods and tools.
- Conducts complex electronic/EMC tests.
- Write tests procedures, test reports and maintained documentation.
- Participates in test means modification.
- Is qualified to judge (pass/not passed) and approve dedicated test results.
- Participates in test plan definition.
- Able to understand measurement uncertainty calculation.

- Education : Master degree in a technical field or comparable education.
- Professional experience : minimum 3-5 years.
- Specific expertise :.

Knowledge of circuit technology and measurement technology (including metrology), basic programming knowledge

Knowledge of Quality Management Systems (e.g. ISO9001, ISO17025)

Experience in working with 3rd party certification bodies like COFRAC, UL...
- Language skills : Fluent English (written and oral).


Horaire : Temps plein
Date de dépublication : Continu
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Senior Test Engineer H/F
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