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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager chez Shine

Join Shine as Senior Product manager :

We're striving to re-define the role of a bank for small businesses. Shine is not just a bank account. We want to alleviate the mental load faced by entrepreneurs when managing their businesses.

In addition to this large vision, we serve a diverse group of users (from developers, designers... to Uber drivers, small shops or construction workers) that have different needs and behaviors.

You'll be joining at a very special time:

Growth stage of the companyLarge ambitions and lots of innovations to explore and buildThe opportunity to help shape and develop our product culture

You'll be working on the goals, strategy and delivery within one of our cross-functional product teams, covering a large product scope with a very high impact on the business.

What you'll be doing :

Getting a deep understanding of the business area and user problems that you’re tackling through research and regularly interacting with customers. Define and frame those problems for the teamDiscovering, exploring and prioritizing key user problems and business opportunities.Taking significant user needs or pain-points and figuring what the solution might be.Coordinating across complex dependencies to go from idea to successful launch.Working with team members and other teams to create alignment, coordinate efforts, unblock development and successfully launch projects.Fostering a culture of fast iteration and learning. Experiment and tackle risks upfront to make sure we're investing time and effort on the right problems and solutions.Tracking and monitoring your features’ performance and functionality after launch to iterate and improve on them.

Skills and background we are looking for :

You have 3 years of experience as a product manager in a fast-paced startup environment, ideally in a B2B SAAS or Consumer productsYou shipped live, customer facing products people loveYou're passionate about building products people love.You can switch between thinking creatively and analytically. You can both help contribute to product innovation and optimization informed by data and qualitative insight.You’re entrepreneurial and self-driven. You feel comfortable with autonomy and being accountable for the success of your product area.You're organized. You help bring calm and focus to the team.You can clearly communicate product decisions and the rationale behind them. You’re comfortable facilitating and making decisions.You're a good writer. We communicate primarily by writing, and product management requires a lot of it. It's crucial that you're able to make a clear and concise case by writing.You have a good design sense: you’re able to think deeply about product design decisions and understand how to create simple user interfaces.You can understand the technical architecture of complex applications. You understand technical constraints.

At Shine, we are committed to promoting inclusiveness within our teams and making the recruitment process smooth and welcoming for everyone. If you have a disability or a special need that requires a specific arrangement, don't hesitate to let us know!

✨ Our perks :

Competitive salary Work remotely as you wish One day per month to work as a freelancer Sport pack: 300e/year, take care of yourself ! Meal vouchers: 9,05 € /day Spotify Premium subscription support because music is life! 100% health insurance support for you, your partner and your children Transportation allowance (50%) + cycling kilometric allowance

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Senior Product Manager
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