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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager intern (H/F) chez Shippeo

Company Description

Shippeo, the European leader in supply chain visibility, gives shippers, carriers, and end-customers instant access to predictive and real-time information of every delivery.

Shippeo’s machine-learning, proprietary algorithm dynamically calculates ETAs allowing shippers to quickly anticipate problems, proactively alert end-customers, and efficiently manage exceptions. Shippeo helps market-leading companies leverage transportation to deliver exceptional customer service and achieve operational excellence.

Founded in 2014, Shippeo tracks more than 7 million loads per year throughout Europe and connects to carriers in more than 62 countries. Shippeo's more than 90 employees have 22 different nationalities, and speak 20 languages!

Job Description

What Shippeo does

Our product is composed of a mission critical SaaS web platform, with high traffic inbound/outbound integrations. Our mission is to anticipate problems and proactively alert end-customers so they can efficiently manage exceptions. We achieve this by collecting and matching millions of theoretical and real data from different stakeholders.

Shippeo gives visibility to shippers, carriers and customers by answering the following questions:

where is the truck, and is there any foreseeable delays?what has actually been loaded and/or delivered, and is there any discrepancies?what are the levers for improvement for the transport operations?

The technical team is structured in three feature teams:

1. Connect & Go Live: quickly connect shippers & carriers to have the project ‘live’

2. Track to React: make our product as sticky as possible for daily users

3. Analyze & Predict: leverage our data to build data products (extraction, analytics, decision support tools, algorithms)

What you will do

By joining Shippeo as a Product Manager intern, you will be attached to the feature team ‘Track to React’, and working closely with a Product Manager, product designers, software engineers and customer-facing teams.

The goal of this feature team is to make our product as sticky as possible by acting on two levers:

automatically track orders, detect exceptions, alerts our users so they can react

provide our users with very reactive interface that makes it easy for them to find answers and perform mandatory tasks

You will be in particular responsible for improving our Mobile application, Automatic events and Notifications.

Your missions will include:

Talk to our users to understand their needs

Produce specifications with the help of our Product Designers

Build the best solution with the engineering team (scrum)

Ship, monitor and measure usage and iterate


Your profile

You have an engineering degree or an engineering mindset

You have a passion for well-designed products

You are detail oriented

You have a natural ability to make things happen around you

You handle projects’ ambiguity, complexity and interdependencies in an organized, prioritized and structured way

You have a passion for numbers

You have extraordinary communication skills: succinct, structured, thorough, and persuasive

Additional Information

Recruitment Process :

Preliminary call

Virtual round of interviews with with the product team & product case

Interview with 1 or 2 founders

Cpf final 4

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Product Manager intern (H/F)
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