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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager H/F chez Sigfox

Labège (31)

The Product Manager aims at managing one or several offers/services of the Sigfox DaaS portfolio (Data as a Service). Highly strategic for Sigfox, the DaaS portfolio aims at providing value added services on top of Sigfox core service. As of today, the portfolio is mainly constituted by Sigfox geolocation services, called Atlas Suite. The objective is to grow significantly this portfolio in terms of diversity of products and revenues. Interacting with the Portfolio Manager, he/she will analyze market trends and collect customer expectation.

Once the business & product requirements are defined, he will work with the delivery team (Project leader, architect) to set-up a delivery plan including the Go-to-Market to promote and deploy this new service / feature. He/She will constantly support the delivery by being the voice of the customer in case of changes to maintain coherence of the final product / service.

The DaaS Product Manager will ensure the Go-To-Market and the support to Sigfox sales teams and customers. He/She will also retrieve feedback that will help to define the short adaptations or the next evolution of the product / service.

He/She will take care of the product / service usability to optimize the usage and constantly improve the customer satisfaction.


Product Strategy & Management :

Collaborate with all customers facing teams at Sigfox to identify and understand customer needs – by all possible means (direct touch, partners, internal sales teams…)

Analyze the market trends to define the mid & long term market needs.

Analyze the competition to continuously maximize Sigfox key differentiators and competitive advantage in order to create unique value for his/her product(s).

Aggregate, analyze, and synthetize all market needs in business & product requirements to submit to the delivery team for development.

Present to the different stakeholders and management the potential of the new product / service / feature to validate their business opportunity and move forward on investment.

Support to Delivery :

Support delivery team to scope and to commit on the product delivery by detailing needs and expectation and by reaching a common agreement between scope, planning & cost.

Work with engineering teams in the fine-tuning of specifications and user experience when needed to maximize the success of the product / service afterwards on the field.

Decision making when required on scope in case of changes on the project execution: Priority management, technical issues, …

Go-To-Market & Sales support:

Define with the support of the DaaS Portfolio Manager the Go-To-Market Plan to promote and to deploy the new product / service.

Define with the support of the DaaS Portfolio Manager and the Commercial Manager the pricing strategy and the pricing list on the product / service.

Produce the marketing / product collaterals such as functional overview, general presentation, offer description.

Support transversal teams to generate their own collaterals such as T&C.

Organize with the DaaS Portfolio Managers the Go-To-Market of new product / service with webinars, collaterals, dedicated internal & external meetings, …

Support the sales team on the offer to push it to customers.

Product / service performance monitoring:

Put in place the KPIs to monitor the performance of the offer / product / service.

Report those KPIs on regular basis to demonstrate the value created by the product / service and the action plan to optimize the overall performance.


Between 3 - 5 years of experience as Product Manager ideally on B2B services.

Good balance of technical background (telecommunication, cloud infrastructure & web) & marketing skills to interact with various interfaces from customers for needs collection to developers for the implementation.

Experiences in IOT and/or data services will be a plus.

Proven ability to work successfully in a demanding, multi-faceted matrix organization (many stakeholders across different disciplines)

Communication and Interpersonal Skills: Must have the ability to work across all departments seamlessly, while building strong internal and external relationships through outstanding communication skills, both written and verbal.

Ability to quickly grasp complex concepts and make them easily understandable.

Customer oriented.

Analytical skills.

Communicating and Listening:

Demonstrates good listening skills and ability to present in a clear and concise manner.

Ability to deliver professional presentations in a clear and concise manner.

Team Work:

Works effectively as a team player, whether part of a department or virtual project team. Oils the wheels for the team and fulfils own obligations and delivers on time and to team expectations.

Contribute effectively to a team discussion and decision-making.

Share knowledge and experience with the members in order to support the team’s goal.

Ensure that others are able to perform related tasks or deliver related objectives

"Sigfox, as a learning organization and open minded on Diversity is ready to welcome Extra-ordinary people and adapt their Workplace."



Full time

February 28, 2020

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Product Manager H/F
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