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Product Manager (web) - #Art #International

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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager (web) - #Art #International chez Singulart

Job description

As an online pure player, our Product is at the heart of our business. We're looking for a Product Manager to connect with Singulart's various teams and help us innovate. Under the direction of the co-founder, who has been in charge of the product since Singulart's launch, your responsibilities will include:

Understanding the vision of Singulart and the needs of our artists and clients, able to then transform them into relevant features. Working closely with Engineering, Design, Sales & Marketing to plan, build and launch product features. Defining the future roadmap for our products and managing the roadmap against KPIs / product goals. Writing specs, managing project execution, A/B tests, UI/UX wireframe, and defining product roll-out strategy. Discovering and presenting new product insights by analyzing qualitative and quantitative customer data. Conducting user research & testing to recognise new customer insights. Understanding Singulart’s competitive position in the market and executing our strategic plan to become the first online art gallery with a global reach. Helping us empower artists all over the world.

Preferred experience

Full professional proficiency in English. Data-driven: you understand how to use data to guide product decisions. 1-3 years of product management experience. Strong sense for design. Empathetic: you understand what users need and issues that your teammates face. Execution-oriented: you’re highly organized, comfortable managing many workflows, know how to make the right trade-offs and ensure that teams ship on time. Collaborative: you work well with all kinds of personalities, and collaborate effectively with teams across multiple geographies. Excellent written and oral communication skills.


You’re fascinated by art You’ve worked on a B2C marketplace

Meet the Singulart team

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Product Manager (web) - #Art #International
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