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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Smart Flows

Description du poste
About the job / Roles & Responsibilities
We are seeking a Hands-on Product Manager to join Smart Flows team where she/he will have the opportunity to:

• Animate the backlog with our engineering team (we are following SCRUM methodologies but are inspired also by the Basecamp Shape Up! method)
• Elaborate the product vision in coordination with the C-level of the company
• Develop the product roadmap to address our client's needs
• Gather client's feedback to orient and improve our roadmap
• Work with marketing to define the key messages and represent Smart Flows in front of our users
• Hack our industry by designing new products or features in very short cycles of time

Skills and Qualifications

You must feel at ease with the following statements:

• you have a taste for beautiful and usable UI,
• you are detail orientated with superior organizational skills: balancing multiple projects, deadlines, and requests should be second nature to you,
• you are highly analytical and data-driven while at the same time deeply empathetic and creative,
• you work easily or are willing to work with agile concepts (user stories, sprints),
• you fit well within a team and believe in self-improvement and mutual support.

Whilst being far from mandatory we will privilege candidates that have or are:

• 3+ years of experience working as a Product Manager, Product Owner or startup founder
• proven written and verbal communication skills, both in French and English
• ability to lead teams and work cross-functionally

Why should you apply?

Smart Flows' Market opportunities are considerable with a long-term trend in the transportation industry: airports and train stations are expected to be saturated within a few years, and flow management has become critical for all our clients. Working with Hong Kong Airport, Aéroports de Paris, Geneva Airport, Montreal Airport, Gares & Connexions, … , Smart Flows is a key actor on the market. On a shorter term, we do help airports and train station for the COVID-19 crisis to measure the space offered to each passenger and act to ensure passengers safety (see: or our youtube channel

Working at Smart Flows is also a unique opportunity to grow your skills and have a major impact on our clients' business and on our product by joining a human-size company. Kindness and personal initiatives are highly valued at Smart Flows

Our offices are located in Paris, in the heart of « le Marais ».

Only LinkedIn knows how you ended up on this offer. If you're not sure to fill in all the dot but wonder what working in our company could be like, keep in mind that life is full of uncertainties and we might have a job for you.
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Product Manager
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