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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager H/F chez SO PACK

SOPAK! is a company operating in the Perfume and Cosmetics sector, from the designing stage to the supply of finished products and Packaging components, to export Made in France products to an international clientele.

With a higher education degree, you will ideally have 4 to 5 years of experience in the Cosmetics sector.

You will work alongside the Sales and Product Development Manager and be in charge of the following missions :

Development of cosmetics products (perfume, body care): from branding to design, as well as production follow up, you will be in relation with various partners, mostly international (suppliers and clients);Concept creation: marketing brief, design, and lab if needed;Finalization of proposals for customers and tracking workflow of every stakeholder/contacts, whether internal or external;Office management for cosmetics files in the process of products registration (Dip, SASO, ECOSMA…)Nomenclature management for new products with the rest of the team;Products development monitoring in cooperation with the rest of the team and processing plants;Opportunity to present the offer to the clients and to represent the company at exhibition or to visiting clients abroad. We are looking for someone who is :Fluent in both spoken and written English.Able to handle several projects at simultaneously, as you will work alongside the Sales and Product Development Manager as well as the CEO.Quick to understand and can execute what is expected in autonomy.

Professional experience: 4 to 5 years

Starting date: ASAP

Contract type: CDI, full time

Salary: starts from 40K annually, depending on the experience

Date de début prévue : 30/06/2021

Job Types: Full-time, Permanent

Salary: From 3,333.00€ per month


French, English (Required)

Work Remotely:

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Product Manager H/F
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