Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

PRODUCT MANAGER - Automotive and Industrial BU

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Contenu de l'offre PRODUCT MANAGER - Automotive and Industrial BU chez Soitec

PRODUCT MANAGER - Automotive and Industrial BU

How can something you don't see improve your daily life and our planet ? It is our products, present in smartphones, electrical and digital cars, connected objects, ... that make them more efficient and less energy consuming, in one word greener, faster and better. At Soitec, we are passionate about technological innovation and proud of the value we create for our customers. We act to make our company an organization where freedom of action and accountability guide our actions. Do you want to make a difference, test new ideas? Then join Soitec !

What does the position involve?

In an innovative environment of the Automotive & Industrial Division, we are looking for a Product Managerto manage the entire product lifecycle of Power-SOI product line in all its phases of evolution, from project creation and adoption to full development and maturity.

Your vision on technology evolutions on our markets such as electrical and digitalized vehicles, aerospace, robotics, advanced Gate drivers and Functional safety technologies, and your knowledge on semiconductor materials, such as SOI or FD-SOI, will help you to connect our material properties and final applications developed by our customers.

Your vision of the technological specifications and evolutions of our markets contributes to bringing creativity and agility to our organization.

As a true conductor orchestra, you will drive the strategy of a Power-SOI product line. Addressing worldwide customer product requirements is the core of your mission and, in relation with our Innovation and engineering teams you define and animate the associated product road maps, and with our Operations and Global Supply teams, to ensure a relevant balance between quality, cost and deadlines.

You combine a high level of project management, relational dynamism, and the ability to work closely with the various internal players.

Recognized for your technical and relational leadership, you have a strategic vision of the stakes and propose, with our Techno-Leaders, new technological directions.

You understand that this position requires enthusiasm, technical expertise, interpersonal skills, and a keen sense of operational and financial results. Soitec is here to help you develop your talents !

Your profile ?

With a minimum of 5 years of education you have a significant experience of 5 to 10 years in the semiconductor industry, in functions that require customer relationships, expertise in project management, definition and management of road maps and product lifecycles of a products portfolio, or in foundries in functions focused on project management with suppliers. You are familiar with SOI and all the IC integrated in Automotive market.  Your interpersonal and technical skills, your ability to work in an international environment allow you to lead multidisciplinary teams in a cross-disciplinary way.

You are at ease and agile with high-level international players on innovative technical subjects and you like to be in front of our customers. You know how to transform customer requests into a long-lasting partnership where each party will be convinced of the technological and economic benefits of working together.

Your taste for operational challenges, innovation, technologies, leadership, and interpersonal skills will enable you to successfully manage the partnerships you initiate both internally and externally!

This position is based in France, in the beautiful French Alpes, a few kilometers from Grenoble, in Bernin.  It could also be based in Singapore.

Our consultant Mai Lan PHAM, is in charge of this recruitment. Get in touch with her, she will be happy to answer your questions :,  reference MLP/SOI/ PMA&I /2022

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PRODUCT MANAGER - Automotive and Industrial BU
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