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Senior Product Manager, Machine Learning

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager, Machine Learning chez Sonos, Inc

Position Overview

As Senior Product Manager, Machine Learning, you will work with the team that builds the Sonos Voice Experience entirely in-house. You will be responsible for initiating, planning and executing Machine Learning projects spanning across Speech Enhancement, Wake Word recognition, Automatic Speech Recognition, Natural Language Understanding and Speaker Identification for multiple target geographies.

You are experienced in building and shipping machine learning based products in production. You’re able to transform product goals into requirements, specifications, user stories and have them executed across multiple teams involving peer Product Managers from other teams, Machine Learning Scientists and Engineers, Computational Linguists, and Software Engineers. You are able to rapidly simplify complex topics and frame an approach to solving them, socialize it across key stakeholders and have it executed end-to-end.

What You’ll do

Define and own the execution of Machine Learning projects. Drive delivery from initial product goals down to specification, execution and validation. Coordinate cross-team efforts to get these goals accomplished. This will require partnering closely with other engineering and quality teams and communicating clearly and efficiently with a wide variety of stakeholders.

You will be able to engage with linguists, engineers and scientists helping to guide and contribute to ideation and architectural decision making. You will identify and consolidate key areas of improvements of the current models to drive the team towards improving the end-user experience.

You’ll contribute in any way you can to make the product successful. You’ll organize your time and the projects you’ll manage to maximize their impact on the end-user experience.

Skills You’ll Need

This role requires a deep knowledge of machine learning and what it takes to bring it to the real world, leadership, and very good communication skills. As a successful candidate, you are passionate about tackling (and solving) challenging machine learning problems. You can confidently talk about machine learning and code with scientists and engineers, and you can explain complex technology in simple terms. You have a can-do attitude with hands-on software engineering experience - you’re not afraid to jump on tasks that are preventing the project from moving on if the team is short-handed.

Basic Qualifications

6+ years experience in machine learning, holding scientist, engineering or product management roles

Successfully shipped software products at scale in fast paced environments

Able to execute multiple, complex projects in parallel

Able to define vision and strategy, in addition to solid results-driven execution

Collaborative spirit and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment

You have a data-driven approach to decision making and you’re comfortable diving in data yourself
You believe communication and documentation is critical to a project’s success.

Masters Degree in Machine Learning, Computer Science or experience in technical roles

Preferred Qualifications

You have a track record of leading complex projects spanning across multiple teams

Expertise in Speech Technologies and/or Embedded Machine Learning

You have a solid background in machine learning and you feel comfortable tackling new applied research problem with the team as they arise

Able to do mockups/wireframes to clarify product goals and requirements

Cpf final 4

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Senior Product Manager, Machine Learning
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