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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Splio

75002 Paris 2e


Splio is an omnichannel marketing platform that combines marketing automation, loyalty marketing and Mobile Wallet Marketing. The platform enables marketers to unify their customer knowledge, orchestrate marketing campaigns and new loyalty programs, both online and offline, and engage customers at the heart of their mobile. Splio helps brands adapt to New Loyalty, with both points-based and relationship-based programs, to acquire, reactivate and engage their customers and boost their revenue.
More than 500 brands around the world use Splio every day, including The Kooples, Caudalie, Maty, Le Slip Français, Longchamp, La Grande Récré, Fauchon and Accor Hotels.

Job Description

You will work in a fast-paced environment with a highly agile team of dynamic, hyper-motivated and talented individuals.
You will join a global company, with a real international culture and vision; multi-lingual :).
You will be part of a supportive team that shares knowledge and empowers every single member to reach their full potential and continue learning.
You will enter a high-growth structure which means that you will be constantly challenged and that your responsibilities will grow fast and change regularly.

As a part of the product team, your role will be to conceive, optimize and follow the delivery of new opportunities as well as to improve our existing product. The focus is to improve our customers’ experience on Splio platform while making our product ever more competitive.


Product Management: as a true Product Manager you follow your projects from inception to completion, working hand in hand with the technical team to ensure speedy delivery and being a real open listener to our business teams. You are also the gatekeeper who validates the final delivery, thus ensuring the quality of your product. Intuitive / Analytical / Empathy: you will constantly gather feedback from our users, analyse and understand their needs with empathy, get to the root of the problems and devise further enhancements that solve their problems simply and effectively. Matter Expert: as a constant source of inspiration you stay up to date with the market best practices, what other leading sites are doing and how we can be creative to improve our users’ experience and support our global strategy.

Preferred Experience

You have an academic background : Engineering school, Business school, MBA... You have 2-3 years of experience as a Product Manager for a Product company You are talented, curious, creative and passionate about digital and its latest evolution You have strong written and verbal communication skills Agile mind that can analyse data and make product recommendations You have a strong business mindset You are pro-active and independent, you need limited guidance to keep things moving forward Mandatory langages : English and French

Recruitment Process

Please send a CV and a cover letter.

All your information will be kept confidential.

Additional Information

Contract Type: Full-Time Location: Paris, France (75002) Education Level: Master's Degree Experience: > 2 years
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