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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager H/F chez Synology France

Founded in 2000, Synology creates network-attached storage (NAS), IP surveillance solutions, and network equipment that transform the way users manage data, conduct surveillance, and manage network in the cloud era. By taking full advantage of the latest technologies, Synology is committed to delivering products with forward-thinking features and best-in-class customer service.

Synology France is looking for a Product Manager H/F, based in Paris, a person who is enthusiastic, professional, dynamic, international and highly motivated.

Job description:

Ref.: Product Manager H/F

Working location: Paris, France

You will be responsible for:

Explore selected vertical industry, collect market requirements, and set up go-to-market strategy for the industryProvide consulting service to business users for sizing, solution plan, and deployment.Follow up tenders and projects, and collect case studies.Prepare content for vertical solution guide/brochuresPresent solution related topics on reseller training and solution events (either virtual or physical event)Manage PoC process and give advice to customers during the testProjects follow-up, technically and budget-wiseParticipation in marketing events and activitiesBeing aware of new product's launch and market's lifeBusiness development and management of customersTechnical support to end-usersOther duties as assigned

Desired skills and experiences:

BAC+5 and 0-2 years of experience (more experienced candidates could be possible too if already sales experience in the vertical market)An experience in sales is highly appreciatedGood presentation skillsFluent in French and English (written and spoken)Strong organizational capacities and the ability to manage multiple tasks and projects at the same timeCreativity, organization, reliability, and punctualityAbility to work in an international teamProficiency in Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint)

It is a plus:

Strong knowledge of the new technologiesExperience in an IT Distributor of VendorExperience in Vertical market as Public Sector, Health or Education

Job Types: Full-time, Permanent

Salary: 30,000.00€ - 40,000.00€ per year

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