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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager / Data chez Teads

The Product Manager is responsible for defining and delivering our products roadmaps.

Organized in feature teams with a dedicated and talented data technical team, you'll be in charge of managing the scope of their activities.

With more than 1.2B of users targeted every month by several billions of ads, being able to identify and profile each user is a scope full of challenges and opportunities. Connected to various data partners leading the market, we collect and aggregate data all around the world. More than 300,000 different attributes (gender, age,...) are manipulated every day.

But that's only the beginning of the journey, as your primary role with be to take the best decisions in order to bring value out of this mature data pipeline: Targeting, Insights, Optimization, Pre-sales tools,...

We are hiring a Product Manager, specialized in users data, whose missions will be to:

Shape the data roadmap: Collect and gather perfectly user needs : challenge and describe them in a clear and concise way Assess the business opportunities pro-actively: Competitive Intelligence and permanent market analysis Communicate on priorities: Clear scope, milestones, ETAs and sponsorship from the key stakeholders (Sales, Campaign Managers, Finance) Deliver the data roadmap: Communicate efficiently with the technical team Have the specs validated by Functional Analysts with few back and forth Maintain an up-to-date planning to communicate on the effort and progress to the SVP Product Support the worldwide roll-out of the data products for Teads, with analysis of the adoption, reporting of success (measuring incremental revenues,...),... You will work closely with the different departments and members of the company, especially with the Business Data Lead. What do we require?

Background & Skills

Bachelor or Master degree in engineering ; or a strong business background from top business schools Proven experience as a Product Manager, Product Owner in a tech/web company (online advertising is a strong plus) of minimum 4 years Data knowledge: You are familiar with the activity of profiling users, working with DMPs/Data Exchange Platforms, conducting BI studies & analysis,... You preferably have a strong experience in this area. Fluent in english and ability to work with cross-functional teams Soft skills

Strong analytical mind: data is not only a buzz word for you Communication skills: Being able to adapt your speech from technical to sales people Passionate, innovative, and fast learner: We will provide strong trainings Ability to be heavily multi-tasking (involved in a lot of projects and business streams in parallel) This is the right time to join: the Product team has more than ever a pivotal role to set the company on its right trajectory to Nasdaq, and needs brilliant minds to thrive. Our team is young, passionate, and the company is growing quicker than ever!


Montpellier ===== ABOUT TEADS ======

Teads is the Global Media Platform.

We have united and empowered the best publishers in the world and distribute ads to over 1.2Bn people every month within professionally-produced content.

Our end-to-end platform delivers full-funnel, outcome-oriented advertising powered by cutting-edge creative technology (Teads Studio) and AI-driven optimization. Not content with outdated ad experiences in the market, we have reinvented digital ads and raised quality standards to delight users, publishers and advertisers.

Teads partners with the leading marketers, agencies and publishers through its team of 700+ in 26 countries.

We're committed to creating a dynamic work environment that values diversity and inclusion, and represents employees across a variety of skill sets. We embrace contributions from all ages, sexes, races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations and gender identities.

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Product Manager / Data
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