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Contenu de l'offre Digital Project Manager chez TechnipFMC

Digital Project Manager, GBU Subsea

Job Description

Job purpose:
Develop and deliver digital solutions as part of our projects for Clients or to complement our digital offering transversally or in the frame of internal efficiency improvement initiatives Play a key role in Subsea business transformation through digital by delivering positive business impact through digital solutions implementation

Reporting lines and interactions:
Reports to: Depending on the type of project, reports to VP Subsea Digital or inside Subsea Streams
Key interactions: Subsea teams (commercial, project, services) Subsea Digital network CDO IT Externally: Clients, tool vendors, consultancy firms

Strong Subsea business knowledge through 8-10 years solid track record in Commercial, Project or Services teams. Project management, change management and leadership proven skills Ability to learn and deploy new approaches and new ways of working such as agile Project Management and challenge established ideas, processes and structures Good understanding of IT/ data model and architecture Very good communication and collaborative skills Innovative and open mindset Result driven and cost efficient minded Keen to work in an international, collaborative environment and with virtual teams Well connected in the TechnipFMC organization Fluent in English

Main Accountabilities:
In close collaboration with end users, identify, develop and deliver digital solutions for projects and tenders, transversal initiatives or internal improvement initiatives. Responsible for full PMO of given project(s) including: establishing budget and monitoring spends; allocating right resources; defining governance; establishing and delivering project milestones and constantly recalibrating project plan based on business priority and input; driving the associated change management process inside and outside the organization Build strong and constructive relationship with stakeholders across the company and in the digital organization Promote digital tools and new technologies to facilitate and optimize processes/ tools and enhance employee and client experience. Ensure digital solutions are developed in line with overall digital strategy, IT strategy and standards. Partner as relevant with CDO and IT to ensure selection, implementation, integration and sustainability of digital solutions Contribute to defining new business model and ways of working associated with digital transformation
Cpf final 4

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Digital Project Manager
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