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Contenu de l'offre Product & Quality Manager H/F chez Teledyne Tekmar

Product & Quality Manager H/F

Présentation de l'entreprise / Company Overview

In this position of Product & Quality Manager you will be in charge to manage a team of 7 Product Engineers with various et complemendatory skills and to improve the Division's profitability and customer satisfaction through a Continuous Improvement approach through the following responsibilities. 

Résumé du poste et des responsabilités / Position Summary and Responsibilities

Quality Management :

Detect any specific requirement from Customers and make sure they are properly recorded, analysed and cascaded with activities
Put together and publish the contractual generic documents related to Quality and Reliability
Develop a good understanding and knowledge of the specific Quality standards and regulations of markets and geographies addressed by Professional Imaging; ensure quality commitments and internal processes are either aligned to these requirements or that discrepancies are clearly identified and properly managed in specifications and contractual documents
Creation and Maintenance the Quality Dashboard of the division, including Customer Complaints, Non-Conformances, Customers oriented quality and reliability metrics
Consolidation of all Customers complaints and positive feedbacks, making sure they are all addressed with adequate methodologies and that resolution is progressing in a timely manner
In R&D projects, validation of Products Validation and Qualification Plans, of Products datasheets and specifications in the name of the Customers
In New Product Introduction and Product Changes, validation of Control Plans in the name of the Customers
Participation to the definition of the internal audit plan and realization of internal audits
Animate the Problem Solving network of the Division, making sure all members receive adequate personal development, providing individual coaching, animating good practice sharing
Check that Failure Analysis are done timely and with adequate methodologies and tools, when required; escalate if necessary to appropriate management levels

Product Life management :

Product and process change management after transfer in production
Continuous improvement of the Product performance (Yield)
Product Cost management : Product Profitability, Process flow optimization, Product sourcing robustness, Inventory optimization
Insure product compliance to applicable regulations
Manage any customers requirement and demand on recurring business

Exigences d'emploi / Qualifications

Profile : 

You have significant experience in the following areas of expertise : 

Leadership, management and coaching skills
Strong understanding of imaging products and related technical challenges (technology, design, production, …)
Experience in relationship with customers 
Fluent in French and English, knowledges in Spanish would be appreciate
Strong experience in continuous improvement of products and processes
Mastering problem solving methodologies (8D, DMAIC, …)
Engineering degree
Experience of the automotive industry is strongly recommended
Solid knowledges on product reliability

9 good reasons to join Teledyne e2v:

An international company thanks to the Teledyne Corporation, which represents 11,000 employees worldwide.
A “human-scale” site of about 400 employees.
More than 50 years’ experience providing advanced and high reliability technologies for growing markets in the semiconductor field.
Prestigious customers (ESA, CNES, NASA, Boeing, Airbus, Thales ...) who have entrusted us with important programs like the A320 NEO, Eurofighter, Rosetta, Spot, Pleïades, ExoMars ... as well as other markets such as medical, scientific or industrial.
Strong values, which everyone can relate to: Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Citizenship.
An atmosphere where technical and non-technical experience and capability are recognized acknowledged and valued.
A strong integration program giving real support when starting out thanks to a carefully chosen “buddy” or “mentor”.
A company that understands the importance of investing in people, helping them make the best use of their strengths and talents, and giving them the opportunity to take on responsibilities with autonomy.
For the second year in a row in 2021, a gender equality index of 98 out of 100.

Teledyne e2v has an action plan relating to the integration and maintenance of employment for people with disabilities.

For more information on Teledyne e2v, visit :

To join our digital community :

Visit our factory here :

Do not forget to include a cover letter with your application.

Keywords: electronics, microelectronics, nanotechnology, semiconductors, sales.

Job Summary

ID de la requête / Requisition ID: 2022-18285

Nom de l'entreprise / Company Name: Teledyne e2v Professional Imaging

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Product & Quality Manager H/F
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