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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager, Blockchain chez The Blockchain Xdev

Blockchain Xdev is the europe’s largest pool of cutting-edge blockchain engineers that are specialized in guiding clients of all sectors in making the most of decentralization technology no matter the transformation project.

This role responsible for working across a diverse global portfolio of innovation projects with a primary focus on digital, Blockchain and evolving Innovation technology. Your main responsibility is to have a vision of what we are building, and convey that vision to client and developers. We are looking for someone who has experience in, and understands the issues with, delivering state of the market internet-scale systems across multiple work streams. Experience working in FinTech, Energy, Transport or any technology related industry is a plus.

WHAT YOU WILL DO (Responsibilities and Duties) :
Proactively identify relevant innovation opportunities and initiatives

Work in collaboration with the engineering, business leaders and clients to design and deliver complex, large scale industrial systems involving multiple work streams, releases and deployments.

Understand and plan for the complexity of leading across multiple teams to deliver innovative applications.

Deploy and use best practices to measure, understand and optimize the success of the products you own. Based on product vision & strategy, design new features and propose improvements to existing features to maximize impact.

Work well across disciplines and stakeholders to coordinate between workstreams to drive impactful product launches. Identify and communicate requirements and coordinate between these workstreams.

Collect, maintain and disseminate project information to stakeholders on an ongoing basis.

Manage timelines and follow multiple product roadmaps to organize timely feature releases and minimize release delays.

Drive effective teamwork, communication, collaboration and commitment across multiple project teams.

WHAT YOU WILL NEED (Qualifications and Skills):
Experience working on cross functional teams to deliver innovative applications at scale.

Ability to analyze and use data to make informed product decisions.

Excellent verbal and written communication skills, in both french and english, to write thorough feature requirement documents and work with stakeholders and upper management.

Experienced at compiling implementation timelines into project roadmaps.

Detail and design oriented and always thinking of the end-user experience.

Good communication and team-working skills, with ability to work as part of a virtual team

Bonus Points

Existing experience in driven blockchain solutions, distributed solutions.

Agile (scrum and Kanban ) experience.

Experience working with remote teams.

Experience of writing scientific/technical publications.
Cpf final 4

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Product Manager, Blockchain
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