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Test Engineer – Test Automation M/F

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Contenu de l'offre Test Engineer – Test Automation M/F chez transatel

Your Mission

Based at Transatel’s IT Headquarters, you report to the Manager of the QA IT team.

Working as part of the QA IT team, you will be responsible for carrying out technical and functional tests, mainly automated, for the whole of Transatel’s IT and Information systems. The QA IT team consists of around 12 people situated in France and Eastern Europe. It covers four functional domains (billing, provisioning, selfcare, and real-time rating engine).

Responsibilities:Participating in roadmap projects:
Carrying out a functional and technical analysis of new projects
Helping draw up new test strategies
Creating new automated test cases and adapting existing tests to correspond to developments in the IS
Executing and analyzing the results of automated tests

Increasing our automated test portfolio:
Helping define the strategy for non-regression testing
Creating new automated test cases
Ensuring the performance and maintainability of the test framework
Contributing to the continuous improvement of testing (tools, methodology, knowledge management, etc.)

You will work in a rich and complex technical environment in direct contact with development and operations teams.

Your functional and technical skills make you the go-to person for your colleagues (developers, project leaders, functional analysts, business, support, operations, system and database administrators, etc.).

Your Profile

You have a Master degree from an engineering school or university, and you have at least 3 years’ experience in software testing and test automation.

You have already worked in an Agile environment (preferably SCRUM).

You have a good knowledge of the software lifecycle (design, development, testing, production) – having already worked successfully in any, or all, of these environments would be appreciated. Knowledge of the telecoms sector, in particular the IT domain (provisioning, MNP, rating, billing, etc.), would be a plus.

Technical skills:
Linux et Windows Operating Systems
Databases: SQL Server et MySQL
Automated testing tools: JMeter, Selenium, etc.
Script: Shell, advanced scripting languages such as Python (ideally)
Knowledge of Jira and test data management tools

Given that half of the QA IT team is based in Europe and over half the company’s revenue comes from exports, you must be fluent in English as it will be used on a daily basis.

You get on well with people, and are capable of working autonomously. You have an analytical mind, and are reactive and adaptable.
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Test Engineer – Test Automation M/F
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