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Contenu de l'offre Digital Product Manager F/H chez Ubisoft

Job Description

Seated at the heart of the Knowledge Management team at Ubisoft, you will participate in the development and growth of products helping access to different information, learnings and knowledge at the company. You will facilitate collaboration across all levels of Ubisoft: between jobs, projects, studios and business branches.

You will join the KM Product Team as Product Manager, handling this portfolio of products: The internal social network A Digital Experience Platform An Enterprise Blog Your missions: Define the product roadmap & strategy Define the forward looking KPIs and goals and identify optimizations opportunities Identify & prioritize the user & business needs Formalize, specify and prioritize features of your products through epics and stories, in collaboration with the UX & technical teams Create and groom the product backlog Follow the agile ceremonies: sprint planning, daily meetings, retrospectives and demo Collaborate with the UX team to conceive the User Experience Participate to the organization of user tests and analyse the feedback Communicate with all stakeholders related to your products Organize a competitive watch, on UX & Tech

You already worked at least 3 years in a Product role and you own a major experience in enterprise software

Entrepreneur - you go beyond your attribution and do whatever it takes to ensure a success

Natural leader - you don’t need a hierarchical status to drive people forward

Analytics guru - you leverage data to remove ambiguity & elevate confidence in decision making

Empathetic - walking in user’ shoes, you find the true motivations and anxieties behind behaviors

Execution champion - you never hesitate to roll up your sleeves and tackle something hands-on

Design lover - Stellar design instincts and product taste, Extremely detail oriented

Top-notch communicator - both formal and informal, with fluent English

Additional Information

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Digital Product Manager F/H
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