Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

International Product Manager M/F

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Contenu de l'offre International Product Manager M/F chez Ubisoft

Job Description

After a 6-month training period in Paris, you will join the studio in Bordeaux:

Your missions :

Conducting market research, competition benchmarks, and consumer studies to feed production and business teams. Building marketing plans for the studio's projects, managing the corresponding budgets and ensuring their operational implementation after the launch; Supporting the team in organizing and coordinating international game events (E3, Chinajoy, Gamescom, …) Creating internal and external documents (briefs, product sheets) Ensuring the delivery and the quality of the assets necessary for the communication campaign

University degree in the marketing field or equivalent training 2/3 years’ experience in Marketing Knowledge of and interest in the video game market and industry. Excellent organization and communication skills. Project Management, analytical and synthetic skills. Fluent in both English and French
Additional Information

We are looking for innovative and original minds that are challenging, and who want to build the future of the video game industry.

Integrating the Ubisoft French studios also means:

Join passionate and highly technical teams, all driven by the desire to design and develop innovative games and stand out for their quality Collaborate with teams recognized for their experience on renowned franchises Develop expertise by participating in in-house sharing events (talks, conferences, trade shows) and benefiting from tailor-made training programs Evolve in a leading French videogame company represented in 30 different countries, with opportunities for international development.

Ubisoft is committed to creating an inclusive work environment that reflects the diversity of our player community. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability status.

All information will be treated as confidential in accordance with the Employment Equity Act.

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International Product Manager M/F
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