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Product Manager Assistant EMEA CASE Industry

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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager Assistant EMEA CASE Industry chez Univar Solutions

Product Manager Assistant EMEA CASE Industry

Job Summary

In this role, you will be responsible for supporting the Supplier Manager team on the tactical activities across a strategic product portfolio covering the Case industry (Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants and Elastomers).

Working within an international environment, you will be responsible for daily operational activities for nominated portfolio across the EMEA region, interacting with multiple stakeholders across business functions including administration, sales, supply chain and regulatory.

Responsibilities & Duties

To assist PM team in developing and management suppliers/product portfolios
Support the PM team in keeping the product portfolio correctly set up and up to date
Responsible for performing analysis and reports
Check the sales of the products assigned daily
Workingwith the PM team to develop pricing strategies and feedback market information from sales
Maximize profits and volume targets if responsible for own portfolio
Providing commercial product and market updates
Work closely with the Sales to provide commercial support, and ensure awareness of product specifications, sourcing and purchasing arrangements, availability and pricing
Liaise with Supply Chain to determine forecasts and appropriate stock levels
Cultivate an open and regular dialogue with all internal functions
To comply with all company processes, policies and guidelines

The duties described in this job description cover the main duties of the role but they are not exhaustive and will vary by country.

You may be required to undertake additional or other duties as necessary to meet the needs of the business.

Qualifications & Skills

University degree in Economic / Marketing / Chemical Sciences is a preference
Product, market & commercial experience or knowledge
Must be able to effectively handle multiple projects simultaneously in a deadline driven environment
Experience in data interpretation, developing reports and report generation
Ability to work independently and as part of a team and take on new tasks with high level of difficulty
Passionate in attacking goals and readily accepts additional challenges
Strong knowledge of SAP is a preference. MS Office experience is required.
Very good communication skills, including presentation
Strong English language skills

Why Univar Solutions:

Today's customers and suppliers need more from their chemical and ingredients distributor. To innovate and grow, they need an ally—a collaborative expert who can help shave time and effort from their processes, formulate breakthrough products, optimize their logistics, and improve safety and sustainability.

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Product Manager Assistant EMEA CASE Industry
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