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Contenu de l'offre Product Owner chez Valiantys

About Valiantys Software

Since 2010, Valiantys Software has enhanced the Atlassian platform with amazing apps which facilitate teams to work faster and smarter. With nFeed, Exocet, Elements and Spreadsheets, we've helped over 3,000 enterprises extend their Jira and Confluence capabilities, including Airbus, Apple, BBC, Ingenico, Nike, Oracle, Walmart and Walt Disney. You can find all of our apps on the Atlassian Marketplace.

Oh and if you think these 5 next values we have at Valiantys sound familiar to you, we bet you'll love working with us : Talk straight, share and take part, be mindful of what matters, make every interaction remarkable and never stand still!

Job purpose

As a member of the Product Management cycle, reporting to the Business Unit Manager, you will help define and align the global strategy on products.

You will be the first representative of our products for the team by creating and maintaining strong customer relationships to gather market informations in order to define trends.

Your responsibilities

As responsible for customer satisfaction of a specific product you main mission will be to:

Maintain the product backlog (one backlog by product at Valiantys) prioritized and sized correctly Build the product roadmap taking into account other products, whole team objectives, team dependencies and risks Refine prioritized stories to be ready for development at the start of the next sprint Ensure means are put into place to evaluate product quality Customer interviews and user tests Manage and report objectives and key results to the General Manager Your role also requires a marketing dimension:
Participate in marketing events Influence topics for blog articles with regards to new releases Provide demos of our products Constant monitoring of the add-ons published on the marketplace Create a competitive watch issue per competitor (features / price / market share) You will also manage Stakeholder Relationship (Valiantys/Atlassian/Customers). Showing and present our products and getting feedback from users after each sprint in order to influence product evolution.

Now, in terms of support, you will create and maintain relationship with the software support team to gather informations for product evolution and provide Level 2 functional support.

More about you

You have a 5 years degree in I.T. and/or Marketing.. but a double degree would be useful.

You worked for at least 2 years in product management.

Your main technical knowledge is about: database, Web-service integration, Quality insurance, non-functional requirements...and we wish that you also bring knowledge of Jira & Confluence.

You have proven ability to create product strategy. Last but not least, you know a lot about data analysis and sales techniques.

We cannot forget about the soft skills! So how about we just add the following to the bucket:

Good oral and written communication skills Proficiency in English Team player, Stakeholder management Analytical Multitasking and priority management What we offer

Tell you what…we're not just a group of people that show up to the same office five times a week. We're partners and collaborators who strive to unleash the potential of every individual in order to succeed together.

Generous lunch vouchers Free Comprehensive mutual health insurance Top spec machine as you prefer (MAC or PC) Table football and table tennis sessions, free coffee, tea and fresh fruits because we care about your health ! On-site showers Follow us on LinkedIn ( ), Twitter ( ), Instagram ( )and Youtube ( )
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Product Owner
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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