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Contenu de l'offre Growth Product Manager chez Voodoo

Voodoo is a Tech company that creates and publishes hyper-casual, casual mobile App for a wide audience. It is the worldwide leader in the mobile game market through snackable, innovative, and creative content combining data and new technologies.
The company raised $200M in 2018 and we have been certified a Great Place to Work France 2020 and Best Workplace 2021. More recently, Tencent has become a minority stakeholder in Voodoo, with a role in framing our strategy to dominate the Asia Pacific region.
#1 worldwide in mobile game downloads, and regularly at the top of the App Store rankings, our games have about 300 million monthly active users and more than 5 billion downloads since our creation. Voodoo is one of the most impressive examples of hypergrowth in the ecosystem, having multiplied its turnover by 5 over the past few years.
What is Voodoo’s Culture all about?
We recruit passionate and creative profiles, who combine data and new technologies to disrupt the mobile market. Driven by a test-and-learn culture, we welcome wonderfully talented people wishing to undertake and manage unique, ambitious, and challenging projects. Our goal is to foster excellence, both individual and communal, which to us means solving problems by breaking the rules, learning fast and autonomously, and delivering with the best execution.
Our employees evolve within an environment designed to be a center for fulfillment and excellence. Daily life at Voodoo is characterized by numerous events throughout the year that allow you to feel fully integrated into the team and get involved in creative and innovative projects.

What will be your main challenges?

Responsible for designing, planning and driving the roadmap of products Guarantee the quality and the performance of our product Develop a quarterly and monthly plan aligned with the strategy that leverages all product features, to push our performance to new limits Daily involvement in project development and product delivery

What do we expect?

3 years of experience as a Product Manager in a B2C Industry Proven track record of building high-impact products Driven by performance and Data-oriented Strong organizational skills and high attention to details Great communicator & fluent in English (French is a plus) Familiar in working within a Tech environment and deep level of technical understanding for someone who doesn't code Problem-solver – inventive thinker providing insightful, innovative solutions to problems Well adapted to a dynamic and flexible environment Business or engineering degree (HEC, ESSEC, Centrale ...)

Nice to have

Min. one year in a managerial position Familiarity/background in mobile gaming, apps, advertising, analytics, etc Programming experience What is your team about? The Growth and Engineering team whose purpose is to support Voodoo’s Business Units in achieving operational excellence and drive the growth of the whole company. You will be a part of an organic team composed of developers and business experts.
Does this sound like it was written with you in mind? Excellent! Put in your application and let's discuss the possibilities!
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Growth Product Manager
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