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German Copywriter & Webmarketing Manager (intern) - Deutscher Webredakteur (ausbildung)

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Contenu de l'offre German Copywriter & Webmarketing Manager (intern) - Deutscher Webredakteur (ausbildung) chez APPVIZER

Montpellier (34) Stage

appvizer is the 1st website in Europe dedicated to professional software.

Our mission: to help professionals find the software that will make them more competitive and allow them to work more pleasantly on a daily basis.

We offer you the opportunity to learn from an ambitious project and find your spot in a talented team of 20. Work conditions are ideal: bright offices, unlimited organic fruit, good quality coffee, zen open space, etc.

Our values are centered on sharing, trust and ambition; we offer equal professional opportunities for all applicants and employees.

Learn more (in French) on

Internship paid according to legal allowances

Start date: between August and November 2019 - Duration: 4 to 6 months

Description du poste

What you’ll do

As a Junior Copywriter, you will help develop appvizer on the German market. Your challenge? Generate traffic on the German website by writing quality content and managing webmarketing operations like SEO and German social media.

You will be trained to write content for SEO purposes and gain expertise in webmarketing. You will have a chance to work with all departments, and follow the company’s strategy with the CEO.

This internship is a great opportunity to work on various operational missions in a company growing globally. It can be a first step towards a position as German Copywriter or Marketing Manager.

Profil recherché

About you

Web and marketing enthusiast Strong writing skills in German (mother tongue) Strict attention to grammar, results-driven and good team spirit Willing to learn about customer relation management, marketing, sales... all topics related to entrepreneurship

Skills required/to acquire

Web content writing, web content management and SEO Fluency in French; English is a plus
Cpf final 4

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German Copywriter & Webmarketing Manager (intern) - Deutscher Webredakteur (ausbildung)
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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