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Technical Writer & Content Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Technical Writer & Content Manager chez Artifakt

Artifakt is an all-in-one DevOps software helping tech teams deploy, manage, and run complex web applications on enterprise-grade Cloud infrastructure faster and on a global scale.

Our mission is to make the web faster, more reliable and secure. We help:

Developers deploy their surefire code faster to production without worrying about infrastructure; Enterprises run and scale their critical applications on modern and powerful Cloud infrastructure.

At Artifakt we are one multicultural team using our diversity and passion for tech as a driving force to create our industry leading product.

Our core values:

Encourage ownership, quality and creativity; Build a supportive environment where everyone has a voice; Passion for technology and automation.

Join one of the fastest growing Cloud companies in Europe, that has just recently launched it's ambitious transnational goals

Job Description

Directly attached to Artifakt PMM, your mission will be to develop our awareness and contribute to our growth in France and Europe by creating and disseminating engaging technical content.

You will be the voice of Artifakt, in charge of increasing Artifakt social media presence, visibility and interactions.

As a Technical writer your mission will be to create, edit and maintain technical documentation including procedures and user-facing guidance.

Your responsibilities

Develop content strategy aligned with short-term and long-term company's goals. Develop an editorial calendar and ensure regular publication (social media, website, newsletter). Create, publish and manage engaging content (blog, landing pages, emailing, newsletter, social media, etc.) to increase web traffic. Optimize content according to SEO. Analyze the performance of the disseminated content and apply improvements. Work with product managers and engineers to write clear and concise documentation for Artifakt's internal and external users. Analyze website traffic and users engagement metrics. Participate to industry, community and partner events (evangelization). Participate in the creation of offline marketing materials.

Preferred Experience

You love creating technical (written, visual, social) content for both Business and Tech decision makers. Tech-savvy and experienced with Developers / Web / Cloud content / Tech documentation Excellent written and verbal communication skills in French and English (mandatory) Mastering content management systems and social media Creativity and the ability to develop original and engaging content SEO knowledge

Recruitment Process

HR Interview Manager Interview CxO Interview Coffee with the team Offer!
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Technical Writer & Content Manager
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