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Digital & eCommerce Content Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Digital & eCommerce Content Manager chez BIC

Job Description

Integrated within our eRetail & Digital Center of Excellence, you will be responsible of managing the expansion of the Company’s assets through PIM (Product Information Management) and DAM (Digital Asset Management) systems and providing guidance for managing local assets. Supporting our digital transformation, you will also directly be working on the creation & implementation of eCommerce content for BIC globally.

Driven by an experienced team, you will work on a various scope: from business requirements analysis to the delivery of applications enhancements, delivering to our internal client high quality and adding value service.

You will work within a demanding and motivating environment (international network, skilled employees, strong expectations from internal and external clients).

This experience will enable you to gain knowledge on new digital tools, as well as e eCommerce business concerns & objectives.

Act as Project Manager to deploy BIC global PIM & DAM systems and finalize the adaptation of their data model.

Connect the PIM to new external/internal customers (standard market data exchange, XLS matrix or API), in order to syndicate BIC content on eRetailers & D2C websites and automate publications to list our products offline. This will be done according to a defined business roadmap

Create eCommerce content (SEO content & media assets notably) and build a global content factory

Coordinate global Pure Players’ content implementation

Centralize/mutualize/organize/maintain global & local data in PIM & DAM systems

Continue to define new Roles & Responsibilities and reshape the organization around product data to increase internal collaboration and efficiency

Manage a team of 2 people

Please note that short term focus will be European scope.


Master’s degree in Data Management, Business or Digital Marketing

5-years in Product Data Management or FMCG Project Management

Hybrid Business & Technical profile

Strong Project Management skills

Data driven and rigorous

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

Ability to work in matrix organization and complex environment

Motivated and enthusiastic for working in an international context (20%-30% Travel)

Teamwork spirit

Fluent in French and English

Proficient in MS Excel

Additional Information

Full-Time Job

Cpf final 4

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Digital & eCommerce Content Manager
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