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Contenu de l'offre Content Manager H/F chez CANDRIAM

Description du poste


Support - Communication

Intitulé du poste

Content Manager H/F




The mission of the Brand & Content Management Department is to: Supply a wide range of high quality investment content to all different types of our clients, Demostrate Candriam’s high level of expertise and know-how across asset classes and investment approaches, Develop Candriam’s brand awareness in many different markets.. The team is made of content managers, marketers and brand & communications specialists who are responsible for: Writing white/position papers, advertorials, and other updates and reports for institutional clients, as well as creating brochures, fund presentations and documents outlining the key points of each of our flagship investment strategies for wholesale clients, Working with communication agencies to create and develop ad campaigns, Developing relationships with partners in order to widening the spreading of our contents. The content team is currently growing and is seeking to recruit an additional expert with the ability to write content and support the increasing communications.
As a Responsible Employer, Equal Employment Opportunity is crucial to Candriam. We are committed to building the best global team that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills. We provide an inclusive work environment and support wellbeing and work-life balance.


Produce content and marketing packs, Generate thought leadership content, key messaging, white papers and writing/editing content for print or the web, presentations and marketing collateral, Delivering a high quality program, insightful and valued investment communications for Candriam’s clients, Work with ad agency and media planner and manage a campaign, Cross-functional coordinator and management of the Product and Corporate document catalogue, Building relationship with product teams, investments teams and other senior stakeholders.


Strong English-language writing style,Technical investment knowledge, Passionate about the asset management industry,Ability to manage multiple relationships with internal and external contacts,Strong communication and interpersonal skills,Experience of working in Marketing/Communication department in the Asset Management industry,Organised, ability to prioritise, to work flexibly and to hit tight deadlines,Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues and staff to create a results-driven, team-oriented environment.

Localisation du poste

Localisation du poste

Europe, France


Critères candidat

Niveau d'expérience min. requis

2-5 ans
Cpf final 4

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Content Manager H/F
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