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Head of Global Content Policy Management (H/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Head of Global Content Policy Management (H/F) chez Dailymotion

Description du poste

As our Head of Global Content Policy Management, you will handle the protection of our users' content consumption and our partners' / content creators' intellectual property.
Job description
You will handle our content policy strategy and make sure that it's properly applied on our platforms by:
Being responsible for our global content policy strategy: taking care of the application of the existing rules, and constantly improve our policy philosophy with our Legal team
Building and developing relationships with our external partners: opinion leaders, associations, public Administrations, councils…
Anticipating our needs by providing a policy and antifraud strategy for any new service, and depending the market and legal trends
Working closely with our Content and Sales teams to provide hands on and regulatory support
Supporting local markets for any investigations, consultations, best practice set up,…
Working closely with our Engineering teams to find the best systems to increase the efficiency of our content policy team activity, and fraud detection
Working closely with our lawyers and our legal team to manage our main content litigations
Managing a team of 2/3 people across Paris and New-York

Description du profil

8+ years of successful experience in content, public policy, or legal
Experienced in International media industry, highly regulated
Graduated from legal, economics or policy program
Experience leading a team in an multi-site environment
Experience dealing with different external contributors, with strong diplomacy skills
Strong communication skills, verbal and written
Ability to evolve in a high-pressured environment
Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities
Excellent team player
Fluent in French and English
Cpf final 4

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Head of Global Content Policy Management (H/F)
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