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Contenu de l'offre Copywriter chez Getir

Can you create beautiful copy that converts? Is the French language your playground? Do your creative ideas possess that je ne sais quoi? If you're an ambitious copywriter with flair, this is the job for you.

You'll help us express our raison d'être in a way that connects with our potential customers on an emotional level.

In that light, the written word is rather remarkable, allowing us to describe our service while tapping into what makes us human.

About Getir

We're Getir, the pioneers of super-fast delivery. We deliver groceries such as sandwiches to shampoo, dog food to beer, in an average of ten minutes.

Founded in 2015, we now deliver hundreds of thousands of orders a day from more than 300 locations in the United Kingdom and Turkey.

In 2021, we plan to rock the streets and doorsteps of several cities across the world, including Paris (bonjour!), spreading the experience and wonder of seamless, super-fast delivery that simply works for everyone.

For this position, we are open to full-time and part-time employment, as well as independent contractors.

What you'll do

Write words. Lots of them. You'll write digital media posts, promo notifications, mini video-scripts, email marketing, internal communications, and whatever else might be required. Create beautiful content. Go beyond what you've been asked to write. Be a bit radical. Think outside the box. No wait, disregard the box entirely! Generate ideas. We might not publish all of your wild ideas, but that doesn't mean we want you to stop coming up with them. Keep shooting for the stars (but without the cliche!) Bring your personality and humanity to the workplace, whether that's the meeting room, the slack channel, or the Zoom call. Just be you.

What we'd like

3+ years of copywriting experience, preferably in startup/consumer brand environments An extensive grasp on the beauty that is the French language, with the ability to resonate with a Parisian audience A strong grasp on culturally-relevant sayings and idioms.


A creative mind. You bring copy to life with that je ne sais quoi Techniques for battling with l'angoisse de la page blanche. It's OK, it happens to all of us. Curiosité in all aspects of a startup. We're new to France and everyone is invited to share their ideas, even in other areas.

What Getir offers

A once-in-a-career opportunity to work with one of the fastest growing mobile-commerce businesses in Europe on our startup journey in France The rare chance to work in a vibrant and energising startup culture and develop your commercial skills for the digital future of retail Career development opportunities. We really mean it when we say this. Upward and sideways mobility are some of our favorite terms. Our ambitions go beyond Paris, with our eyes set on becoming an international success story that also enables and fosters stories of success on the individual level.
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