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Contenu de l'offre DIGITAL CONTENT MANAGER chez Hivebrite

Paris (75)


We are looking for a Digital Content Manager to manage all our content marketing activities. As Digital Content Manager, you will work very closely with the Marketing, Product, Sales, Design and Customer Success teams.

Alongside the Head of Marketing, you will be responsible for the creation, distribution, and measurement of the worldwide content for Hivebrite. Developing a strong content strategy alongside our digital channel distribution with a focus on engagement, awareness and lead gen will be key.
As a Digital Content Manager, you need to be a creative and analytical thinker, as you will be stepping into a test and learn environment, continually optimising content campaigns. You should also be familiar with various content marketing techniques, like email campaigns, social media, and partnerships.
Your goal will be to develop and implement the most efficient content engine strategy to position Hivebrite as a key thought leader in our industry that talks to our different use cases and personas.


Develop the best knowledge of Hivebrite product and client personas Developing Hivebrite content strategy in alignment with the overall marketing objectives Creating and maintaining an editorial content calendar to oversee regular publications on our platforms (Blog, social media pages, newsletter, internal communications, etc…) Help to create compelling messages and concepts across marketing channels (landing pages, ad campaigns, videos, etc...) Work with various teams (design, acquisition, product, sales, customer success) to implement content strategies. You should have good organisation skills and be good at collaborating with people to come up with action plans. Managing freelancers (blog writers, or any other type of content resources needed) Analyse content performance using relevant KPIs and monitoring platforms, but also the impact on SEO. Follow and analyze market trends to position Hivebrite content vs competition


Native level of English with professional editorial skills Proven experience as a Digital Content Manager or similar role Excellent copywriting and proofing skills Experience in CMS Experience in a B2B SaaS Marketing, a plus Understanding of how community management and engagement drives business value Experience in cross-platform content marketing Working Knowledge of Google Analytics and SEO. Excellent time management and organisation skills Excellent presentation, written and verbal communication skills. Of course, you should love writing! A keen eye for detail Working Knowledge of Emailing campaign and design/visualisation tools A second language is a plus.


Contract Type: Full-Time Location: Paris, France (75009) Education Level: Master's Degree Experience: > 3 years
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