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Product Manager M - F - Web 3.0 H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager M - F - Web 3.0 H/F chez Homa Games

Homa Games recherche …
Homa Games is the world's leading platform for creating and publishing mobile games.

Homa provides an end-to-end digital ecosystem for developers, helping them focus on the right idea, optimize all the features, and massively distribute the games worldwide. Game developers from around the world use Homa's technologies to power their creativity. We're a team of 120 creative, data-centric minds from 20 nationalities helping developers to turn their games into global hits played by millions of users. Apps powered by Homa creators have been downloaded more than 500 million times.

As we continue to grow, we are now launching our Web3.0 activities. We are very excited about the new opportunities blockchain technology offers to the gaming environment and intend to rapidly become a key player in this new industry. We have already built partnerships with key players like Sorare and are building a team of passionate people to achieve our ambition. In this context, we are hiring a Product Manager dedicated to Web3.0.

In February 2021, we raised 15m$ funds led by Eurazeo with participation from Headline with the largest European seed round.

In October 2021, we raised an additional 50m$ led by Northzone with the participation of Singular and strategic angel investors, like the founders of King, Spotify, and Sorare.

Role & missions - What you will do

As we continue to grow and we are exploring possibilities in the blockchain and Web 3.0 space, our team is now looking for a Product Manager to support Homa Games in reaching the next level !

Source studios and develop strong relationships
- Lead relationship with a portfolio of ~15-25 studios & developers and help them grow their business with us.

Manage our games throughout their entire lifecycle
- Ideation : Brainstorm with studios and come up with ideas for games integrating Blockchain and NFTs components.
- Testing : Test studios prototypes marketability and make recommendations to improve players' appeal to the game.
- Pre-publishing : Organize and coordinate the iteration & acceleration phases of the game with a team of 4 internal experts : UA & monetization, Game designer, Creatives, Web 3.0.
- Launch : Coordinate with internal teams to launch the game, push your game in the top charts & steer game performance metrics.
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Product Manager M - F - Web 3.0 H/F
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