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Contenu de l'offre MEDIA AND CONTENT MANAGER chez Interstellar Lab

Paris (75) As part of a small and passionate team, you will develop and execute messaging, media relations, social media campaigns, and manage content for cross-platform communication. Hands-on and pro-active, you will develop and promote Interstellar Lab's compelling story. In this role you will have the opportunity to relate our message of on how space exploration can help us on Earth right now; how using space settlement approach is helping to find solutions for water treatment, waste management and food production on Earth; how we can use technology for life preservation on Earth and beyond. Your passion for our vision to enable millions of people to live in a regenerative way on Earth and beyond will directly impact the future of multiplanetary living and will require your dedicated commitment and detailed attention towards both environmental and space exploration innovation and news. You will directly work and report to CEO.


Strategize and execute company external communication strategy Develop and maintain relationships with press Respond to and manage media inquiries Pitch stories to the press Write talking points, executive speeches, FAQs, presentations and other content Contribute ideas to our media strategy across all business lines Create, plan and execute media events and campaigns Represent Interstellar Lab at public events, manage speaking engagements, and liaise with the media Provide planning, execution, and tracking for PR/Communication projects Publish to social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat) Art direct and procure imagery and video for press kits or digital content Keep calendars (editorial, press conferences, events etc.) and media lists Execute communications programs in support of events and conferences Ensure media coverage is accurate and fact check BASIC QUALIFICATIONS

A./B.S. degree in communications, marketing, public relations or equivalent 3-5 years of proven experience in public relations, ideally in aerospace, technology, cleantech or a related industry Excellent communications skills, including creative writing and verbal Ability to dive deep, working both independently and as part of a team Skilled at planning, organizing, prioritizing, and executing simultaneous projects High judgment, endless energy, and creativity Comfortable working in a fast paced, dynamic work environment A self-starter with passion for the industry PREFERRED SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE

Graphic design and/or photography Government affairs experience LOCATION

Los Angeles (United States) or/and Paris (France).
Cpf final 4

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