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Contenu de l'offre Stagiaire Content Manager H/F chez JOHN PAUL

Paris (75) Stage


John Paul is the leading global loyalty group powered by premium Concierge services.
We enable our clients to generate proximity with every customer and employee.
From designing the customer journey to creating bespoke affinity programs, we offer a unique 360-degree approach to elaborate premium relationship and membership strategies worldwide.

Expert in driving long-term customer engagement, John Paul reinvented one of the most beautiful jobs in the world, that of a grand hotel Concierge equipped with the latest tools from the digital revolution, creating the Enhanced Concierge.

With over 1,000 employees spread over the five continents, patented technological tools, and an exclusive partners network, we offer organizations the best service experience for their most valuable targets 24/7.


Ready to join a young, dynamic and challenging international company ?

We’re looking for an English native intern with a gift for writing. Passionate about lifestyle, trends, food, shopping, hospitality and digital, you will be a key asset of our Marketing team.

As a content manager, you will be in charge of:

– Producing lifestyle content: writing articles, describing the places we have partnerships with.

– Updating our content database tool

– Supporting our global partnership approach

– Providing reporting

You’ll be part of a demanding and friendly team, willing to provide its clients with the best service quality on its market segment.


– You’re English native, but you live in France and that’s a chance for all of us!

– You’re in a journalist cursus, in a recognized communication school and with a solid background in arts subjects

– You’re passionate about cuisine, lifestyle, trends, food, shopping, hospitality…


The position is to be filled in January, 6 months.
Send resume and cover letter to with the reference SCM-2017

Cpf final 4

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Stagiaire Content Manager H/F
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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