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We are looking for talented people who are willing to build the most amazing rewards experience for consumers while keeping growing their own skills and expertise.

As Content Manager, you will be responsible for offering a great experience for our users by ensuring they only encounter quality content on our app, website, blog, and any other relevant touch point. You will work closely on a daily basis with multiple teams inside the company (sales, marketing, operations).

Your responsibilities:

Offers: You will make sure that our users discover great content when browsing our 1000+ merchant partners' offers. You will be fully responsible for bringing new offers to our users, from the curation and selection of quality content (great visuals, inspiring descriptions, relevant categorization, etc.) to the creation and the publication of the offer to our 500k+ users. You will also be in charge of keeping all offers' content up to date at all times, to make sure our users never encounter any issue using them. Editorialization: You will be in charge of the home page of the app. You will regularly build selection of offers to fit with the different highlights in the calendar (Holidays, Sales, Mother's day, etc.), and you will promote them on the main screen of the app for our users to discover them. You will also be in charge of executing and promoting special deals that we regularly negotiate with our partners. App content: Beyond offers and editorialization, you will be in charge of improving all of the content of our app: merchants and banks available, catalog of gift cards you can purchase with your points, or charities you can donate your points to, etc. You will make sure this content is not only accurate but also of great quality, keeping in mind the user experience. Blog: You will regularly write articles for our blog. These articles will talk about a variety of topics related to retail and consumption, and you will also highlight the great partnerships available on Joko. Our blog is an essential tool to strengthen engagement of our community, but also to attract new users through SEO. International expansion: We intend to go international very soon and it will require creating quality English-speaking content for our international soon-to-be users.


Self-organization: You are a very rigorous person, structured and organized. Creativity: You are a creative person and you are able to tell when something looks bad or good Attention to details: You know that the devil is in the details, and you have talent for spotting flaws when there are. Mindset: You have an entrepreneurial mindset, you like challenges and you like getting hands-on. Languages: You have great writing skills in both French and English


Contract Type: Internship Location: Paris, France (75001) Possible full remote
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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