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Contenu de l'offre Creative Content Manager chez Luni

About Luni

️ Member of the top 10 global publishers, specialized in mobile applications development and distribution ️ Used by tens of millions of users worldwide

Applications dowloaded almost 200 000 times a day only on iOS

Highlighted by Apple and promoted « App of the Day ».

33 talented team members (3 in Content)

We believe in passion, fulfillment and achievement. We spend most of our life at work, it has to be fun! Going to work at Luni means joining an ambitious adventure, friends, create products that make sense to us, grow every day and have a positive impact on the world!

Job Description

We’re looking for a passionate, inventive, ambitious and motivated Creative Content Manager to join the Content team and contribute to the evolution of Luni and our creations.

We’re creating a Creativity suite with several applications as Video Studio and Photo Studio. As a Content Manager specialized in these applications, you’ll be given lots of responsibility and opportunities to impact the overall product and business. You'll work with various teams to build top-ranked products that deliver meaningful value to people all over the world.

Participate to create the perfect mobile experience for mobile users !

Your challenges

Define, create and manage content strategy for our Creative suite applications : Photo Studio, Video Studio and those to come Collaborate with creators, designers to create templates, assets, filters and other innovations to integrate into the suite Keep a watch on topics that may interest the community, get information and offer topical ideas Join forces with our Product Managers, iOS Developers, Back End Developers and Designers to create the best content in the apps Be responsible for the evolution and quality of the Creative suite applications

You’ll enjoy

The opportunity to join a very fast growing company built by an ambitious team that’s passionate about bringing joy to people and loves coming to work every day. (That’s not rhetoric, we really mean it.) The opportunity to work on mobile applications used daily by millions of users all over the world. A culture that supports and promotes professional growth and development A flat hierarchy Competitive salary and benefits Centrally located Bordeaux office focused on wellness and cohesion Flexible vacation/time-off policy

Your ambition is welcome, shape your profession.

Who you are

You're a mobile application Content Manager and you're sure of your process:

You've been at it for 3+ years and enjoy sharing your knowledge with your fellow teammates.
You’re creativity and mobile enthusiast.
You care about why you're building something, not just what.
You ground your content priorities in things that will drive customer and business value. Everything is your problem.
You consider the technical, product, and business needs of the product with each decision.

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Creative Content Manager
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