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Contenu de l'offre Digital Content Manager chez LVMH Fragrance Brands France

Kenzo Parfums is a very well-known brand within the Perfume and Cosmetics world, with a strong potential to grow. To sustain this growth, increase the visibility of the brand and elevate brand image and awareness we have to expose it in a worldwide scope. For this strong ambition, the Digital Content Manager will have a key role. ROLE OF THE DIGITAL CONTENT MANAGER: He/she will define and monitor the social networks strategy, content and activations in link with the DNA / values of the brand. STRATEGY - Define the Social networks strategy according to the marketing plan of the brand - Develop the annual editorial planning - Coach and brief the digital agencies - Manage and compile the data dashboard - Analyze and create reportings CONTENT - Development of the all the digital content, in line with the brand DNA. - For new products, development of exclusive content for e-retailers social networks. - Management of the digital activations (briefs, follow up, delivery of the assets on time) COORDINATION - Work closely with all the regions to coordinate the local plans. Anticipation of local needs. - Work with all the teams (marketing, business development...) to guarantee the consistency of the strategy. - Community management on the social networks of the brand (with an agency).


COMPETENCES / PERSONAL SKILLS: - Interested in communication - Creative profile - Focused on ROI and analyzes - Positive and good understanding of local cultures - Knowledge of Facebook Business Manager is a plus - Consolidate and analyze - Curious and involved - Agile and efficient - Positive NRJ and a strong communicator - Proactive and autonomous but not independent - to work WITH AND at the same time expert on do it yourself! - Smile and happy attitude EDUCATION: > Business school > Communication school > Digital school/master EXPERIENCE: > 2 or 3 years' experience in social networks and content development. > Fluent in English. > A 1ST experience in a Maison and in the cosmetics universe is a plus


This position reports to the Communication & Digital Director at Kenzo Parfums. A specific attention is also done to the direct collaboration with the LVMH digital and media teams as well as the whole Kenzo team (general management, business development, marketing, studio, communication, the fashion team ...).
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Digital Content Manager
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