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Contenu de l'offre Visual Content Manager (F/M) chez Manutan

The visual content manager ensures that the visuals/videos/animations of the Group's offers to be published are properly produced and that the deliverables of the necessary assets are aligned with the different axes of the Group's marketing strategy. He/she is responsible for the proper application of the Manutan charter. He/she ensures that an optimal level of quality is maintained in terms of representation and consistency of visuals/videos/animations on the multi-channel publication media.

In that context we are looking for a Visual Content Manager (F/M)

Your job

Central Level :
Monitoring of production plannings and deadlines Monitoring relations with internal departments and service providers, in compliance with Manutan's specifications and market delivery commitments. Ensures that visuals, videos and animations are properly integrated into the systems Management of incoming and outgoing flows Product shootings Planning, anticipating and monitoring product photo shoots Sample management (product reception, destocking, etc.) Manage the unpacking and repacking of products Retouching of visuals (cropping, chroma, clipping, etc.) Implement new workflows to meet the needs of the e-commerce and customer marketing strategy. Budget follow-up Creating efficiency and cost optimisation in processes Local Level :
Assist and train local teams in the implementation of new projects. Monitor the quality of visual content. A real taste for teamwork and commercial relations with a developed business vision of service and project management, the ability to understand and appropriate business processes, to challenge them while being a force for realistic and feasible proposals, recognised for his ability to influence decision-making with a real aptitude to encourage support for his ideas and projects, an excellent communicator (both written and oral), a federator who is also recognised for his pragmatism, his attention to detail, his rigour, his efficiency and his autonomy in organising the proper management of his projects, recognised for his ability to adapt and to find solutions that are adapted, innovative, differentiating and value-creating, recognised for his ability to manage projects in an operational manner.


French, English


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Visual Content Manager (F/M)
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