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Contenu de l'offre Content Manager Assistant chez Natexo

Natexo, a French group established in 2008, is one of the European leaders in the Email Marketing industry. The company has expanded internationally and currently; we have four offices (France, Spain, Italy, USA). The company offers innovative online acquisition solutions to a host of international clients in efforts to help them acquire qualified traffic and generate revenue.

Le poste

Reporting to the Director of Strategic Accounts, you will assist and participate in the day-to-day operations on Natexo programmatic platform for the French market. This internship is based in our Headquarters in Paris, 9

You will participate in the following tasks:

Campaigns validation on Lead Ads and Emailing Ads
Creation and/or verification of the Objects and Senders for Emailing Ads campaigns
In collaboration with the Production department : Coordination and creation of the creative design briefs for the premium clients
Creation of the campaigns for the premium clients
Assist the Director of Strategic Accounts with the day-to-day tasks

Le profil

Bac + 3 minimum
Excellent French writing skills (spelling and grammar) with a sense of creativity
Good communication skills
Organized, able to multitask and being meticulous
HTML basic knowledges
Working in an international environment, you are able to read and understand English
Basic knowledge of Office program

We require the signing of an internship agreement with a university or a school for a period of 6 months minimum.

Cpf final 4

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Content Manager Assistant
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