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Contenu de l'offre Internal Content Manager chez Ornikar

Who are we?

Ornikar’s mission is to give access to car mobility to everyone! We develop innovative solutions to improve the overall experience of taking the driving test and learn how to be a good driver. Our mission is to contribute to make the roads safer, as for now in France and Spain, but really soon in other European countries, and beyond. We have several product developments ongoing and great ambitions in 2021, with our team doubling in size. As of today, we provide learning and driving experience to millions of students, and help teachers to widen their pedagogic skills. About the Staff team
Maud, our Chief of Staff, works besides the CEOs and the Leadership Team. Her scope is group-wide and includes:

Building internal processes to structure organization and sustain its growth

Coordinating group strategy definition and execution process

Ensuring communication within the entire organization, as well as knowledge sharing and synergies between all business units and teams

Leading group-wide and cross-teams strategic projects

Coordinating internal operations

Acting as CEO counsel

As Ornikar is growing fast, so does the Staff team! Besides Maud, you will work with Lisa, our Workplace & Event Manager, and soon a Strategic Project Manager. We are looking for an Internal Content Manager
As an Internal Content Manager, your role will be to make sure information flows smoothly through the organization, so that teams have a good understanding and visibility of company’s objectives and projects updates. It means that internal communications are impactful and inclusive. What you will do

You will have a wide range of missions including:
Internal newsletter production

Team-Meetings coordination

Internal documentation production, review and translation

Internal communication tools management

Management’s communications content creation
You are our ideal candidate if you...

are familiar with our communications, knowledge and presentations tools (Slack, Confluence, Pitch)

are totally fluent both in English and French (or native, even better!)

have exceptional writing/editing and oral communication skills, ideally coming from a journalist background (studies or professional experience)

are organized, rigorous, empathetic, efficient / impactful

have at least 3 to 4 years of experience in a fast-paced and international environment

have already worked on internal communications programs or guidelines
We are your ideal adventure if you look for...

Being part of a fast-growing team with very strong ambitions

Impact: your role will be strategic in our Staff team as we are in a very structuring phase in our company’s lifecycle

Transversality: you will be at the heart of our organization

Wish to take your driving test soon: @Ornikar, it’s free!

Wish to work partially remotely
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Internal Content Manager
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