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Contenu de l'offre UX Copywriter chez PeopleDoc

Paris (75) PeopleDoc is on a mission to revolutionize how every HR function provide services to their employees.

Our unique "state of the art" HR Service Delivery platform provides HR teams with the tools they need to provide great services while considerably decreasing the manual work behind the scenes and allowing companies to go paperless in their administration.

PeopleDoc serves more than 1000 clients with employees in 180 countries in 12 languages. PeopleDoc is now a part of Ultimate Software. Ultimate Software is a Leader for Cloud HCM Applications.

Job Description/ Job Summary:
Location: Paris, Remote (France, UK, Germany)

At PeopleDoc we are in the process of rolling out new and improved user interfaces across all of our products. To support this, we have spent the last two years building and deploying UX expertise throughout our business.

As a member of the UX/UI team, you will support six UX designers by writing and editing product copy. You will also be responsible for developing copywriting style guides and standards, to ensure consistency across products and departments.

Working in US English, the successful candidate will be required to:

Improve legacy interface copy to make it easier for our users to understand Write copy for new products or product features Document copywriting patterns and best practices, including: Working with our partners in the US to develop copywriting style guides Working with product marketing to define product naming standards Collaborate with our localization and development teams, to ensure copy is easy to translate for users around the globe Conduct terminology research and contribute to the multilingual product glossary Research and aid in the implementation of content management strategies and tools Competencies required:
Exceptional English copywriting skills, with the ability to: Write clear, concise copy Distill complex concepts into simple instructions Infuse copy with a unique voice Control the tone of copy to reflect the user's situation The capacity to work across many complex projects, and: Balance the requirements of multiple stakeholders, including stakeholders with competing needs Prioritise tasks to respond to key business objectives Understanding of UX best practices, including: How copy impacts the user experience How copy and design work together to deliver engaging interfaces Exceptional time and task management skills, with the capacity to organise your daily work for maximum efficiency Basic knowledge of the localization field, with an understanding of how copy is translated into different languages Nice to have:
Experience developing content strategy for a suite of connected products An understanding of how UX copywriting impacts on the product development cycle, and how to effectively collaborate with product teams Ability to update copy within development codebases (e.g. knowledge of HTML, or similar templating technologies)
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