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Contenu de l'offre Global Content Manager chez Pernod Ricard

Position Summary:

The Content Manager will be in charge of driving and coordinating the Content approach for the PR Group and its affiliates:

Defining the strategy and the associated roadmap to guarantee better Content efficiency and effectiveness for the PR Group Defining and implementing the methodologies and tools related to the Global Content Approach Measuring results and performance, with specific focus on adoption and satisfaction from the affiliates Innovating and proposing new ideas to nurture the global approach (AI applied to content, automation tools to produce and publish contents, new formats….)

Main missions:

A. Strategy and roadmap for the Global Content Approach

Identifying from a marketing and business point of view the needs and expectations from the PR group and its affiliates to deliver better content. This will apply for Social Media content, Websites, mobile applications, Voice devices… Assessing gaps and building the roadmap to deliver on both quantitative (Content creation & production ROI) and qualitative (Content creation and production positive consumer impact) objectives Identifying and leveraging the right partners to deliver the roadmap: from Internal studios to external agencies to direct partnerships with publishers and tech companies, addressing the full Content creation and production value chain. Defining the right tools to scale the approach for affiliates: Content management platforms, Digital Assets Management platforms, Social Media platforms, reporting and Data intelligence tools….

B. Implementation of solutions and tracking of success

Ensuring that the internal tools and platforms deliver on affiliates expectations: Unified CMS, BrandCloud, Falcon…. Setting the roadmap for training and onboarding of the affiliates Ensuring adoption and success of the solutions and methodologies defined Ensuring quality of content made available to affiliates and implementing processes for quality control, deletion and identification of training and change of processes necessary. Reporting on gains in terms of Content efficiency and effectiveness: Global dashboards of content performance and tracking of cost savings Bridging the gap with Media activations and creating ad hoc synergies Working in straight collaboration with IT, Brand Companies and market companies

C. Coordination of the relationships and setting clear objectives with our pool of partners

Animating our international roster of Creative and Content production agencies Animating and coordinating the efforts of the Internal Content Studios Facilitating & strengthening the relationships with the Key International Content owners Facebook; Vice, Spotify….) Looking for innovations and testing new features

D. Promotion and “incarnation” of the Global Content approach inside the PR Group

Developing & sharing strong case studies and best practices around Contents quality and Contents performance Being actively part of the Brand companies and key markets strategic contents approaches Spreading expertise and optimized ways of working among the organization Being recognized as a referent for Content within the organization

The role consists of:

Driving to the development and acceleration of the global Content approach for the Group regarding Content Management technologies expertise, Content partners onboarding, test and learn of innovative Content solutions available on the market Selecting the best partners to work with and assess continuously performance and ROI Driving Contents tools adoption by the affiliates through evaluation and testing Piloting settings the objectives for Content performance

The position will interact frequently with the local and key affiliates Content Studios and Digital teams, in strong connexion with other HQ teams (in particular IT and GBD).

The action & deliverables of the Content Manager would result in a competitive advantage for the Group in designing better Content approaches and generate new streams of efficiencies.

Experience & background:

This role requires a strong results-oriented mindset, strong project management skills involving multiple stakeholders, excellent communication and influence skills, understanding of the broad business landscape, a passion for Content related topics

Around 7 years background in digital marketing and/or social media, content production and management. Expert and proven experience in driving Content strategies, implementing them and bringing strong results Good technical background on CMS and DAM platforms Expert and proven experience in interacting with senior management (CEO, Marketing Directors, Brand Directors) Strong and Solid marketing and consumer data skills Excellent written and verbal communication skills for promoting and convincing multiple stakeholders

Education: Master’s in Marketing Languages: English

Job Posting End Date:

Target Hire Date :


Target End Date :

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Global Content Manager
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