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Contenu de l'offre Digital content manager (H/F) chez skintifique

75002 Paris 2e Job Description

Your mission

As part of our Digital & Marketing team, reporting to the Digital Growth Manager, you will build awareness, drive acquisition, and expand usage by developing innovative, breakthrough campaigns that are delivered through multiple channels, including our website, blog, emails, social media, and advertising.

Main tasks:

Package up technical and complex content thoughtfully in various forms for different audiences Write relevant content in the skincare, medical and cosmetic industry and other related areas, working with internal stakeholders Help translate key messages and promote our products through blogging, forum posts, emails, articles and social media. To do so, you will collaborate with our Product and Community teams Create content that helps Skintifique’s SEO efforts. You will need to understand the connection between content and SEO. Be responsible for customer service, with a focus on French speaking customers Create monthly newsletters


We are looking for a smart and passionate person, who is willing to learn and to work in a fast-growing startup company.

Skintifique ambitions to become a world leader in the dermatology industry. That’s why we are looking for someone ambitious, who is passionate about getting their hands dirty and who is good at designing smart solutions.

Therefore, the ideal candidate will have:

Minimum 1 year experience building thought leadership and communicating on the frontlines of the beauty industry Strong interest in mainstream skincare trends and enthusiasm around following the latest conversations and trends Excellent writing skills for multiple communications approaches to convey a strong point of view and make the content digestible by our audience Strong understanding of translating vision, mission and story into an appealing and compelling narrative in all communication channels (Reddit, Medium, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook) Speak English and French

You will need to demonstrate your writing skills in the interviewing process.


Fluent in English and French Minimum 1 year of experience international communication projects Team spirit, communication skills and strong proactivity Strong interest of digital innovations Impeccable business ethics
Additional Information

Working at Skintifique

This position is an exceptional opportunity for an energetic and talented person to build the commercial success and growth of a young company with high ambitions.

This means excitement, high opportunity to develop an all-around view of key activities in digital marketing in a growth-focused international environment. This also means high rewards for success.

Employment type


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Digital content manager (H/F)
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