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Content Marketing Manager EMEA (F/H)

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Contenu de l'offre Content Marketing Manager EMEA (F/H) chez Tiffany & Co

Content Marketing Manager EMEA (F/H)

This role supports the VP of Marketing and Communications in building the EMEA influencer and content marketing strategy across the EMEA region. 

Working in very close relations with the regional PR director and the media director, the content marketing manager will also work with the markets to launch a new community driven creator strategy harnessing the power of influence (earned and owned) to drive engagement and conversion. 

This is below a non exhaustive list of the missions.


Manage, develop, and execute EMEA influencer marketing and content strategy (creator content, events plan, 360 launch, CRM, Services) and guidelines to maximize digital awareness, positive consumer engagement and conversion. 
Help drive Tiffany EMEA’s earned media strategy, define, and execute to reach #1 position in EMV in all markets for influencer marketing. Build consolidated view of influencer media vertical. Work with media team to build influencer-led media campaigns and drive media KPIs
Help define Tiffany communities per market. Focus on highly engaged communities to collapse the funnel and drive sales.
 Build affiliate and loyalty programs among Tiffany communities.
Develop Tiktok strategy to dominate the platform and recruit GenZ into the brand. Implement product seeding acceleration in EMEA.
Maintain interaction and communication with global and local Influencer Marketing teams, facilitate and coordinate local exploitation of activities
Maintain a strong understanding of competitor activity and activity within the competitive jewellery landscape
Manage day-to-day budget and supplier payment, in addition to various other admin tasks (i.e., product orders, inventory etc.)

Profile : 

6+ years of relevant regional and or global level; expertise and/or experience.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, ability to communicate across the organization at all levels.
Experience with tracking tools such as Traackr, DMR for reporting
Strong planning and organizational skills with a sense of priority and attention to details
Excellent time management skills and the ability to adapt well to change and multi-task
Has an enthusiasm to proactively present learnings and suggest new ideas 
Proficiency in English

Additional information : 

Type of contract : Manager
Start date : As soon as possible
Location : Paris


Posting Date: 2023-05-23
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Content Marketing Manager EMEA (F/H)
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