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Brand Content Manager Europe H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Brand Content Manager Europe H/F chez Wild Code School


You want to live a thrilling adventure in an international startup ?

You like networking in a startup and tech environment ?

You seek for a job that makes sense ?

Wild Code School is a network of European digital schools offering intensive training in highly in-demand coding skills using a blended learning approach. It targets adult learners who look for an efficient retraining program in order to become professional software developers. We already trained more than 800 web developers since our creation in 2014 in France.

The Essence of the Job :

As part of the central team based in Paris, and under the responsibility of the CEO, the Brand Content Manager Europe is responsible of the brand and values of Wild Code School brand image in Europe. He/she works closely with the international Campus Managers, the Brand Content Manager France and other members of the central team. His/her missions are as follows:

Build and manage the brand strategyacross all channels (media, content, visual, social networks ...)Build and deploy the editorial linefor each mediumWrite content for our communication(blog posts, videos, social networks, newsletters ...)Be responsible of community management by moderating the community of European studentsWrite and produce communication support distributed in Europe in connection with Campus Managers, Business Developer ... (visuals, flyers, posters ...)Set up media campaignsto broadcast in Europe (displays, digital ...)Deploy and decline the graphic charterin collaboration with the Brand Content Manager FranceAnalyze the campaignswith the Growth Manager to know the fallout (number of reached, views, likes, e-reputation ...)Implement the SEO strategywith the Growth Manager in order to increase the SEO of the website using inbound and outbound marketing

Skills :

Experience in TechHigh English editorial quality Visual creation skills (graphic, photography, video)SEO skillsVery good knowledge of medias and social networksCreativity, flexibility, team spirit and sense of organizationBilingual French & English (ideally English as a mother tongue)

Starting: December 2018

Type d'emploi : Temps plein, CDI

Cpf final 4

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Brand Content Manager Europe H/F
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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