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Global E-Commerce Content Project Manager H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Global E-Commerce Content Project Manager H/F chez With

With recherche …
Who are they?
WITH is a digital partner of a new kind, launched in 2015 in Paris, 2017 in Madrid and now in Geneva. They already count more than 90 talents after 7 years in business, and were proud to finish 2020 with a 30% growth and 25 new long-term hires, despite COVID.

WITH Paris is focused on marketing consultancy and implants around 4 intertwined verticals, counting amidst the hottest topics in the current marketing revolution : China, eCommerce & Amazon, Social Marketing and Science & Innovation.

The WITH Paris teams follow a unique model, as their talents comprise consultants, called client partners, but also implants, experts they hire and place amongst their clients' teams.

WITH Madrid's focus is on innovation and technology, offering a combination of engineers, data analysts, UX/UI & PMO/PO in order to audit, create, build and manage complex digital projects.

Their main clients include : Danone group, L'Oréal, Coty, LVMH (incl. Parfums Christian Dior), Bacardi Martini, Pierre Fabre, Crédit Agricole Payment Services, Cartier and Total amongst others.

On the behalf of one of our clients, a leading beauty group, we are looking for a Global e-commerce Content Project Manager to join WITH Paris teams. Within a brand's Global e-Commerce teams and in liaison with local markets and global marketing and digital teams, you will BE in charge of supporting the e-Commerce acceleration strategy through content development for the brand globally.

For this position, you will work directly with the Global e-Commerce Director based in Paris and will cover several channels in order to develop and animate the online presence of the brand.


As a Global e-Commerce Content Project Manager, you will BE in charge of maximizing the impact of the brand's activations online while ensuring brands' perfect execution over all online business channels, including e-Commerce/DtoC and e-Retailers : defining, coordinating content production and adaptations to enhance an e-Commerce friendly approach, enriching and updating content across the brand's online sales ecosystem and network and supporting product launches and activations campaigns.

In this position, the WITH implant will help the brand into different missions and responsibilities, as detailed below :
- E-commerce Acceleration, Content strategy & Activations

_ Maximize the impact of online campaigns for products launches over e-Commerce and e-Retails channels and mechanisms through best-in-class content guidelines and formats

_ Support the local teams in building and adapting brand relevant & impactful plans on e-commerce across marketing drivers to leverage storytelling angles, key moments to animate with relevant products, ways to engage & retain customers;

_ Project management, planification and coordination, regularly BE in touch with markets, respond to daily requests to develop and improve permanent visibility on all online business channels and touchpoints,

_ Nourish the global marketing teams on e-commerce standards & new trends to deliver the relevant assets to animate the brand online stores. Facilitate the understanding of all channels and platforms' needs, provide benchmarks, do's and don'ts to ease the asset conceptions;

_ Track & analyze performance of e-Commerce operations, identifying and suggesting new content opportunities and trends, and providing recommendations around investments, content directions, merchandising opportunities...

_ Unlock new value propositions on the e-commerce full funnel with rising partners to support in defining a co-design business roadmap
- E-Commerce Content Development & Coordination

_ Follow the creative process with the global brand teams, digital and creative agencies to produce relevant storytelling and content formats fitting BtoB websites (dedicated to professionals) and e-retailers' platforms (BtoC). Deliver relevant assets to animate the Marketing plan,

_ Drive e-Commerce content creation for new products & animations based on marketing plans and product launches, as well as local markets requirements,

_ Manage the day-to-day relationship with the different digital creative partners, from briefing relevant creative partners according to type of content needed (product pages, app, microsite, Social filter etc.) and oversee content creation, production and delivery,

_ Ensure proper content implementation on internal DAM platform shared with markets,

_ Provide guidance for assets usage & metadata policy
Cpf final 4

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Global E-Commerce Content Project Manager H/F
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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