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Contenu de l'offre DATA Scientist Senior chez Actimage

Paris (75)

About the Data Scientist position

We are looking for a skilled Data Scientist who will help us analyze large amounts of raw information to find patterns and use them to optimize our performance. You will build data products to extract valuable business insights, analyze trends and help us make better decisions.

We expect you to be highly analytical with a knack for analysis, math and statistics, and a passion for machine-learning and research. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are also required.

Data Scientist responsibilities are:

Research and detect valuable data sources and automate collection processes

Perform preprocessing of structured and unstructured data

Review large amounts of information to discover trends and patterns

Create predictive models and machine-learning algorithms

Modify and combine different models through ensemble modeling

Organize and present information using data visualization techniques

Develop and suggest solutions and strategies to business challenges

Work together with engineering and product development teams

Data Scientist requirements are:

2+ years' experience of working on Data Scientist or Data Analyst (http://link...) position

Significant experience in data mining, machine-learning and operations research

Good experience using business intelligence tools (such as Tableau) and data frameworks (such as Hadoop)

Good knowledge of R, SQL and Python; familiarity with Scala, Java or C++ is an asset

Strong math and analytical skills, with business acumen

Strong communication and presentation skills

Good problem-solving abilities

BSc or BA degree in Computer Science, Engineering or other relevant area; graduate degree in Data Science or other quantitative field is preferred
Cpf final 4

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DATA Scientist Senior
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