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Contenu de l'offre Senior Data Scientist chez Adikteev

The Adikteev team is seeking a Senior Data Scientist for its Paris office to design and iteratively perfect the models used across the firm.

Adikteev has several lines of business and at a minimum you will be involved in efforts concerning our retargeting platform and our LTV prediction platform.

As a Senior Data Scientist, you are going to:

Design machine learning pipelines iteratively from the source data (very large real time datasets) to the models powering very diverse product needs. For example Reakt handles real-time bidding while some tailored Klust models run only once. Some algorithms are already advanced and need to be perfected while others you will build entirely from scratch starting with a literature review of best scientific practices. Partner with Engineering to deploy every model effectively (planning, Git PRs, reviewing results, etc.) Adikteev has a very strong Data Engineering team to put algorithms into production on Airflow and dedicated Backend Engineering to Handle the intricacies of real time bidding. Design and deploy statistical tests to evaluate model changes. Conduct research and contribute to the statistical expertise of the firm. Contribute to product strategy brainstorming and help prioritize initiatives for the roadmap.

Interact cross-functionally and deliver effective presentations to multiple levels of stakeholders,

tailoring the level of scientific content and communication to the audience.

Mentor a junior data scientist.


Intelligence - Quickly absorbs complex new information. Creativity - Enjoys brainstorming and generating innovative approaches to company challenges. Communication - Speaks and writes clearly and concisely. Fluent English, French is a plus. ML skills - Proficiency in querying, structuring and processing qualitative or quantitative data to draw insightful business conclusions. Knowledge of a variety of machine learning techniques and their real-world advantages/drawbacks. Mathematical skills - understands and enjoys applying theoretical concepts of statistical learning. Eagerness to keep abreast of relevant academic & professional research. Technical skills - Deftly programs in Python & Pandas (experience with PySpark and Scala a

plus), basic knowledge of database languages (SQL). Competency in shell scripting, experience with deployment to Production, experience with AWS a plus.

Cultural skills - High standards, Autonomy, Teamwork, Enthusiasm, Honesty, Adaptability.


Master’s degree or PhD in STEM, preferably with a statistics focus.

5+ years of experience working in teams using data science to power a core company product or service. Exceptional candidates with less professional experience will also be considered.

Applied experience with machine learning on large datasets.

Knowledge of AdTech or MarTech is a strong plus.

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Senior Data Scientist
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