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Contenu de l'offre Senior Data Scientist chez AG SOLUTION

Quariq is an ambitious team that is making an impact in the industrial AI. You are backed by a large organisation, AG Solution, but can also have a lot of impact due to start-up like atmosphere. This atmosphere translates into a lifetime of learning and a strong emphasis on individual development.

Our main office is located in Antwerp but we interact with clients from around the world. This allows us to be flexible both in terms of work location and hours.


Experience managing projects of AI, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, or related field. Experience applying machine learning and deep learning techniques to real problems. Python development skills, experience with NumPy, Pandas and some ML libraries like (SciKit-Learn,SHAP, Keras, etc.). Database development skills, experience with SQL queries. Having experience with REST API, Web APIs and SaaS is a plus. You are organized, structured and goal oriented. Fluent in English is a must. Knowledge of another European language is a plus. ‍


Contribute to our research activities by applying data analytics and machine learning techniques on a variety of time series and structured data, to discover insights, causalities, create predictive models, machine-learning algorithms. You will develop automated data preparation processes using Python to solve the challenges like cleaning, scaling, feature selection, etc. Translate business problems into predictive models based on custom solutions and/or in collaboration with our partners applications/platforms. Develop use cases for different industries Chemical, Food and Beverage, Pharma, Oil and Gas, and Mining and Metals. Stay up to date with latest AI platforms, applications or solutions present in the industry. Lead a team that will take up projects from start-to-finish (project manager role). Assist sales and marketing in the creation of content and presentations.


A great job, in an international environment. In a strong and growing company. With a lot of internal attention to training and knowledge. A competitive salary. The opportunity to develop yourself in a sector that – in all modesty – will help to determine the future.

What has AG Solution to offer

In AG Solution, you work in a big international team, for a wide range of businesses. Our AG Solution Academy ensures that you can further develop yourself. Together with our people, we go for lifetime learning.

We use powerful methodologies to realize team-based projects such as Scrum, the agile way of working. Thanks to our strong growth, you have unique career opportunities, both locally and globally.

We work in a flexible time schedule with possibility of homework.
We offer a competitive remuneration package.

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Senior Data Scientist
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