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Product Data Scientist

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Contenu de l'offre Product Data Scientist chez Akur8

Akur8 is a young, dynamic, fast growing Insurtech startup that is revolutionizing insurance pricing with transparent AI.

Since 2016 our skilled R&D team of Data Scientists, Software Engineers and Actuaries has developed unique AI algorithms that automate the insurance pricing process in an unprecedented way.

Our solution is a SaaS platform which allows insurance companies to model their risks 10 times faster, with a higher predictive power than traditional methods. constituting a major game changer for the insurance industry.

Being international by design, targeting all insurance carriers globally, and focusing on more mature markets for faster expansion, we were selected:

as France's Best Insurtech 2020 in CBInsights World's Top 100 Private AI Companies for 2021 in the Top 25 emerging technologies in Oxbow Partners insurtech impact report in the Top 20 in both the CodinGame Fall Challenge 2020 & Spring Challenge 2021

To learn more about Akur8, go to this video link.

To meet our Product team, go to this video link.

Akur8 is, in all senses of the term, an equal opportunities employer

Being a Product Data Scientist at Akur8 means belonging to the team which is the driving force of our innovation, and privileging the aspects of strategy and planning over those of hands-on coding and development.

As a transverse role covering a wide range of interaction with all of our internal teams (Management, Product, Design, Data Science, Development, Sales), you’ll need to gain an good understanding the different parts of our platform and how they interact together, as well as interacting with our clients in order to understand their needs and - consequently - our value proposition and opportunities for development.

Charged with the responsibility to both take and influence decisions regarding the different components of our product (whether independently or as part of a committee, according to strategic importance), this role requires the strong understanding of both mathematical modeling & data science necessary in order to participate in round-table discussions with our internal teams.

Over time, you’ll need to gather market information, extract the relevant elements and bring the planning of product development to the next level. This includes:

Acquiring a deep understanding of the underlying pricing techniques Designing a proper solution and then building a plan to deliver it successfully Conducting experiments with internal teams and partners Prioritizing feature development Being responsible for piloting deliveries and explaining what need they address

Main responsibilities

Being a driving force for a whole product section Focusing on the reason for building features, and which should be prioritized Participating in the product team structure with job interviews Spreading product culture within the company

Onboarding Plan

Understand user needs and market fit (by leading successful product pilots with actuaries) Being tactically focused on product design and organizing development Managing user stories and prioritizing tasks to best achieve the goals Optimizing the development team value Ensuring that deliverables are in line with expectations Working closely with our internal UX team to prepare next development steps Collaborating and sharing reliable and appropriated communication with all teams

Not an insurance expert? That's OK, because we'll train you, including:

Training on math concepts and philosophies by our wonderful Data Science team Training on pilots / proofs of concept in order to acquire deep actuarial knowledge and understand our clients’ mindset by our fantastic Customer Success team Training on the software challenges faced by our amazing Software Engineer team


For this key role within our Product Management team we’re keen to speak to applicants that meet the following criteria:

A Masters degree in Applied Mathematics (or a related field) Previous experience in either an Actuarial, Consultancy or Product Manager position A small degree of previous coding experience in order to facilitate interactions with our technical teams (internships, personal/school projects, etc), as the emphasis of this role shall be on strategy / planning rather than coding / development Data Science / Machine Learning knowledge Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Problem-solving skills coupled with a curious mindset You are a quick learner and highly autonomous Highly collaborative, you also enjoy working as part of a team

Additional - non-essential - skills that would add value:

Previous experience in a SaaS company Previous experience in collaborating with UX teams

IMPORTANT: You must possess an employment status (French or Schengen area nationality or a ‘carte de séjour’) that will allow work from our Paris office


You'll join a highly skilled and motivated team that is willing to share their knowledge and passion for advanced data science, computer science and actuarial sciences. In addition to this we provide:

Competitive salary & annual bonus RTT Gym membership Lunch vouchers Great premises situated in the heart of the 17th arrondissement of Paris
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